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Complex Plots

Oscar Veliz edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

The program to create a heatmap of a function in the complex plane is located ComplexRoots.plt. These plots were most notably used in the videos for Durand-Kerner and Aberth-Ehrlich. The most important value is max by default set to 1000. This acts as a normalizing value so all of the magnitudes can be between zero and one which works best for the plotting program. Instructions for installing and using gnuplot can be found in the Newton Fractal documentation. Example images created by this program can be found in such as:

z^3 - 1


z^8 + 15z^4 - 16


To see the color box legend, remove the line unset colorbox, change set size 1, 1 to set size square, and change the output size to 4k using set terminal pngcairo size 3840, 2160 which creates the following image: square