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auth-lib 1.0.1-rc.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tazama-lf/auth-lib@1.0.1-rc.0
Install via package.json:
"@tazama-lf/auth-lib": "1.0.1-rc.0"

About this version



Library used to get and validate tokens for Tazama.


A personal access token is required to install this repository. For more information read the following.

Thereafter you can run

npm install @tazama-lf/auth-lib


When Retrieving a token - Please note, the Auth-Service already does this.

// Initialize the service
import { validateTokenAndClaims } from '@tazama-lf/auth-lib';
export const authService: AuthenticationService = new AuthenticationService();

// Get Token
const token = await authService.getToken(username, password);

Validating the token received against roles provided.

// Validate Roles
import { validateTokenAndClaims } from '@tazama-lf/auth-lib';
const validated = validateTokenAndClaims(token, ["POST_V1_EVALUATE_ISO20022_PAIN_001_001_11"]);
Environment variables
Variable Purpose Example
AUTH_URL Base URL where KeyCloak is hosted
KEYCLOAK_REALM KeyCloak Realm for Tazama tazama
CLIENT_ID KeyCloak defined client for auth-lib auth-lib-client
CLIENT_SECRET The secret of the KeyCloak client someClientGeneratedSecret123
CERT_PATH_PRIVATE The pem file path for signing Tazama tokens /path/to/private-key.pem
CERT_PATH_PUBLIC The pem file path for validating Tazama tokens /path/to/public-key.pem


This TypeScript project involves authentication and token management using Keycloak and JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The main components include interfaces, services, and utility functions to handle tokens.


This file contains the AuthenticationService class which acts as a factory for creating instances of authentication services. It abstracts the creation logic and provides a unified interface for obtaining authentication services.



This file contains the KeycloakService class which implements the IAuthenticationService interface. It handles authentication with Keycloak and token generation. The main methods include:

  • getToken: Authenticates with Keycloak using a username and password to get a Keycloak token and then generates a TazamaToken.
  • generateTazamaToken: Decodes the Keycloak token and maps the associated claims to create a TazamaToken.
  • mapTazamaRoles: Extracts and maps the claims from the decoded Keycloak JWT token.



This file contains utility functions for signing and verifying JWT tokens using private and public PEM files. The main functions include:

  • signToken: Signs a TazamaToken using a private PEM file with the RS256 algorithm.
  • verifyToken: Verifies a signed JWT token using a public PEM file and returns the decoded payload if verification is successful.



This file contains utility functions for validating tokens and their claims. The main function includes:

  • validateTokenAndClaims: Validates a given token and checks if it contains the required claims.



This file defines the TazamaToken interface which outlines the structure of a token. It includes properties like exp (expiration time), sid (session ID), iss (issuer), tokenString, clientId, and claims (an array of strings representing the token's claims). It also defines the ClaimValidationResult type.



This file defines the KeycloakAuthToken interface which outlines the structure of a Keycloak authentication token. It includes properties like accessToken, tokenType, and refreshToken.



This file defines the IAuthenticationService interface which outlines the contract for an authentication service. It specifies methods like getToken and generateTazamaToken.



This file exports the main components of the library, including the AuthenticationService and validateTokenAndClaims function, as well as the TazamaToken type.




  • auth-lib-1.0.1-rc.0.tgz

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