Jooby a scalable, fast and modular micro web framework for Java.
Scalable. Stateless application development.
Fast!. Thanks to the most popular NIO web servers.
Modular. Make it full-stack via the extensive module eco-system.
Simple, effective and easy to learn. Ideal for small but also large scale applications.
Ready for modern web, with the awesome and powerful asset module
import org.jooby.Jooby;
public class App extends Jooby {
get("/", () -> "Hey Jooby!");
public static void main(final String[] args) {
run(App::new, args);
var app = jooby();
app.get('/', function () 'Hey Jooby!');
- Multi-language. Write your application in Java or JavaScript
- Scripting programming model. Like express.js, Sinatra, etc.. but also
- MVC programming model. Like Spring controllers or Jersey resources
- Multi-server. Including Netty, Jetty and Undertow
- HTTP/2
- Server-Sent Events
- Web-Socket
- Dependency Injection
- Hot reload for development
Just paste this into a terminal (make sure Java 8 and Maven 3.x are installed):
mvn archetype:generate -B -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=my-app -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeArtifactId=jooby-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jooby -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.3
You might want to edit/change:
-DgroupId: A Java package's name
-DartifactId: A project's name in lower case and without spaces
-Dversion: A project's version, like
Let's try it!:
mvn archetype:generate -B -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=my-app -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeArtifactId=jooby-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jooby -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.3
cd my-app
mvn jooby:run
You should see something similar to this at the end of the output:
INFO [2015-03-19 21:34:00,365] Hotswap available on: [my-app/public, my-app/conf, my-app/target/classes]
INFO [2015-03-19 21:34:00,368] includes: [**/*.class,**/*.conf,**/*.properties]
INFO [2015-03-19 21:34:00,369] excludes: []
INFO [2015-03-19 21:34:00,937] [dev@netty]: App server started in 502ms
GET / [*/*] [*/*] (anonymous)
listening on:
Jooby! is up and running!!!
A new directory was created: my-app
. Now, let's see how it looks like:
├── public
| └── (empty)
├── conf
| ├── application.conf
| └── logback.xml
└── src
├── main
| └── java
| └── com
| └── mycompany
| └──
└── test
└── java
└── com
└── mycompany
The public folder contains static files like *.html
, *.js
, *.css
, ..., *.png
The conf folder contains *.conf
The src/main/java folder contains *.java
(of course) files.
The src/test/java folder contains unit and integration tests.
folders are part of the classpath.
import org.jooby.Jooby;
public class App extends Jooby { // 1
// 2
get("/", () -> "Hello World!");
public static void main(final String[] args) {
run(App::new, args); // 3. start the application.
Steps involved are:
extends Jooby
define some routes
call the
Just open a console and type:
mvn jooby:run
The maven plugin will compile the code (if necessary) and startup the application.
Of course, you can generate the IDE metadata from Maven and/or import as a Maven project in your favorite IDE.
Then all you have to do is run the:
class. After all, this is plain Java application with a main
- read the documentation
- checkout one of our guides
Jooby uses semantic versioning for releases.
API is considered unstable while release version is: 0.x.x
and it might changes and/or broke without previous notification.
This might sounds terrible but isn't. Any change on the API will be reported by the Java Compiler and it wont take you a long time to fix it.
Finally, API changes can be filtered and displayed it at any time
- Fork the project on Github.
- Wondering what to work on? See task/bug list and pick up something you would like to work on.
- Write unit tests.
- Create an issue or fix one from issues.
- If you know the answer to a question posted to our group - don't hesitate to write a reply.
- Share your ideas or ask questions on the jooby group - don't hesitate to write a reply - that helps us improve javadocs/FAQ.
- If you miss a particular feature - browse or ask on the group - don't hesitate to write a reply, show us some sample code and describe the problem.
- Write a blog post about how you use or extend jooby.
- Please suggest changes to javadoc/exception messages when you find something unclear.
- If you have problems with documentation, find it non intuitive or hard to follow - let us know about it, we'll try to make it better according to your suggestions. Any constructive critique is greatly appreciated. Don't forget that this is an open source project developed and documented in spare time.
[Edgar Espina] (