ZT1 graphics parser for Krita. An extension for Krita to read Zoo Tycoon 1 graphics files.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/openztcc/APE.KritaTools.git
Download the latest release from the releases page: https://github.com/openztcc/APE.KritaTools/releases/
Open Krita and go to Tools > Scripts > Import Python Plugin...
and select the downloaded zip file. It will install the plugin for you.
Drop contents directly into %APPDATA%\krita\pykrita\
Drop contents directly into ~/.local/share/krita/pykrita/
Enable the plugin:
Open Krita and go to Settings > Configure Krita > Python Plugin Manager
- Enable APE.KritaTools.
- Open Krita
- Go to the "Tools" menu
- Click on "Scripts" and then "Load APE Image into Krita"
- Choose the ZT1 image you want to import
- Accept default palette or uncheck "Use Embedded Palette" to select a new one.
- Import
- No save function yet
Join our Discord for support: OpenZT Discord
- Much of the basis of this project could not be done without Jeff Bostoen's detailed specification of the ZT1 graphics format here: https://github.com/jbostoen/ZTStudio/wiki/ZT1-Graphics-Explained
- A lot of of structure names are inspired by Mad Scientist's original Zoot documentation on the file format which was also used as reference.
- Big thanks to Jay for answering my questions about the ZT1 format! Helped me solve a lot of headaches with frame alignments.