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Mickaël Beaufils edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 2 revisions

What is a Void?

Voids are the spaces inside a unit (e.g., aquifer) or its material (e.g., the sandstone material of an aquifer), and might contain fluid bodies. Voids are differentiated from porosity, in that porosity is a ratio of void volume to total volume of unit plus voids, while voids are the spaces themselves. It is important to conceptually differentiate voids from units and their containers, in order to represent, for example, the volume of fractures, caves, or pores in a particular unit or its portion.


Data model Concept name Definition
OGC GWML2 HydroGeoVoid Voids are the spaces inside a unit (e.g., aquifer) or its material (e.g., the sandstone material of an aquifer), and might contain fluid bodies. Voids are differentiated from porosity, in that porosity is a ratio of void volume to total volume of unit plus voids, while voids are the spaces themselves. It is important to conceptually differentiate voids from units and their containers, in order to represent, for example, the volume of fractures, caves, or pores in a particular unit or its portion.
IFC 4.4+ Void Same as OGC GWML2

Specializations (Types of Voids)

Source Type Link Definition
BRGM Registry This register lists all the types of cavities. By cavity is meant an empty space in a rocky environment, of millimeter size (microcavities) to multidecametric (cave), filled with a gas or liquid phase.



GitHub issue


Geotech concepts

Book A concepts

Hole in the ground

For the activity of observation and its results

For the activity of sampling and preparation

Book B concepts

For Geological Modeling

For Hydrogeological Modeling

For Geotechnical Modeling

For Hazard Modeling

Book C concepts

ISO & OGC GeoTech Model

General considerations

ISO19148 and ISO19156

SensorThingsAPI datamodel




LandInfra & InfraGML

INSPIRE Theme III: Natural Risk Zone

Implementation guide, resources and examples

Exposing geotech investigation data with OGC SensorThings API

Vocabulary and codelist for geotech


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