This code can be used to download NESO solar forecasts and save them to a PostgreSQL database. It fetches solar generation estimates for embedded solar farms and processes the data for analysis.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd neso-solar-consumer
- Copy the example environment file:
cp .example.env .env
- Start the application:
docker compose up -d
The above command will:
- Start a PostgreSQL database container
- Build and start the NESO Solar Consumer application
- Configure all necessary networking between containers
To stop the application:
docker compose down
To view logs:
docker compose logs -f
Note: The PostgreSQL data is persisted in a Docker volume. To completely reset the database, use:
docker compose down -v
The package provides three main functionalities:
- Data Fetching: Retrieves solar forecast data from the NESO API
- Data Formatting: Processes the data into standardized forecast objects
- Data Storage: Saves the formatted forecasts to a PostgreSQL database
: Handles API data
: Converts raw data into forecast
: Manages database
: Orchestrates the entire pipeline
- Set up the development environment:
pip install ".[dev]"
- Run tests:
- Format code:
black .
- Run linter:
ruff check .
The test suite includes unit tests and integration tests:
# Run all tests
# Run specific test file
pytest tests/
# Run with coverage
pytest --cov=neso_solar_consumer
Q: What format is the data stored in? A: The data is stored in PostgreSQL using SQLAlchemy models, with timestamps in UTC and power values in megawatts.
Q: How often should I run the consumer? A: This depends on your use case and the NESO API update frequency. The consumer can be scheduled using cron jobs or other scheduling tools.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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Peter Dudfield 🤔 |
Seao7 💻 |
Siddharth 👀 🚇 💻 |
Conor O Callaghan 📖 |
Ali Rashid |
Manzoor Ahmed Shaikh 💻 |
Anas Khan 📖 |
Peter Ireland 📖 |
vashisthrahul13 💻 |
rahul-ahuja 💻 |
Part of the Open Climate Fix community.