Reusable [scalajs-react] ( components.
We are trying to make the experience of using javascript components in scala.js as good as possible by adding typed wrappers.
Adding types to javascript is a lot of guesswork, and we're certain to have gotten them wrong some places. Bug reports and/or pull requests are very much welcome! :)
These components require you to provide javascript yourself.
- Material-ui 0.14.4
- Elemental-ui 0.5.4
- Google maps (downloads js directly from google)
- React GeomIcon (react-geomicons: 2.0.4)
- React Infinite (react-infinite, 0.7.1)
- Spinner (react-spinner, 0.2.3)
- React Select (react-select: 1.0.0-beta)
- React TagsInput (react-tagsinput, 3.0.3)
- React Slick (react-slick: 0.9.3)
- DefaultSelect
- Pager
- ReactDraggable
- ReactListView
- ReactPopOver
- ReactSearchBox
- ReactTable
- ReactTreeView
MuiRaisedButton(label = "label")()
Scala will only run one implicit to convert a type to another,
which means that in order to convert a String
to js.UndefOr[ReactNode]
it needs to be done in two steps:
(1) String => ReactNode
(2) ReactNode
=> js.UndefOr[ReactNode]
We provide special versions of a few such implicits in
To use:
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.Implicits._
or to put them in scope for your whole application:
package object mypackage extends chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.Implicits
Add these dependencies to you sbt build file
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "core" % "0.10.3",
"com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "extra" % "0.10.3",
"com.github.chandu0101.scalajs-react-components" %%% "core" % "0.4.0"
In order to use the scala.js components, you need to make sure you load their CSS:
See here for more details
In the case of material-ui at least you generally need to use javascript tools to
generate a bundle of the javascript dependencies, because sbt
and the scala.js
plugin do not understand require()
See the demo to see how it can be done.
Online :
Local :
sbt demo/fastOptJS
cd demo
//open a new terminal tab/window
npm install
npm start
//open in browser