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Histogram | CS 6300 | Nick Waddoups

The goal of this project was to write a histogram generator that takes in a vector of floating point numbers and then generates a histogram data with a given number of bins containing the count of numbers in that range as well as the max value in the range.

For example:

Given input [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and directed to use two bins with ranges (0,3], (3,6], return the following:

Counts: [Bin0: 3, Bin1: 2]
Maxes:  [Bin0: 3, Bin1: 5]

The output of this project was to be a command line program, histogram, that you could give the following command line arguments to to generate these bins. Datasets are to be randomly generated based on min/max measurements and the data count.

# Usage
./histogram <number of threads> <bin count> <min meas> <max meas> <data count>

A purpose of this program was to see the speedup that multithreading could produce, so I will implement three histogram generators:

  • A serial histogram generator (single threaded),
  • a global sum histogram generator (multi threaded),
  • and a tree structed sum historgram generator (multi threaded).

Looking for my "Lessons Learned" section? Look at the bottom of this document.

Prequisites for Building

  • Unix-style system (for commands like mkdir)
  • CMake 3.22 (or higher) installed
  • C++20 compiler (tested on AppleClang 16)
  • Python 3
  • Make


  1. Clone my usu_spring_2025 repository.
  2. Checkout the "hpc" branch.
  3. Change into the "Homework/2" directory.
  4. Type make

This will build three targets, auto, cli, and test.

  • auto: This build generates the program I used to generate timing results for the plots. It runs the Serial, Global, and Tree-structured histogram generators many times over a wide range of datasizes and thread counts. NOTE: this program in it's current configuration took about 3 hrs and 20 minutes to run on my M3 MacBook pro with 18Gb RAM.

  • cli: This build generates the command line histogram interface as specified above.

  • test: This generates tests that ensure that each implementation is correctly calculating the histogram data.

Other Options

There are several other targets in the Makefile that you can target. I won't exhaustively cover them here, but there are notes in the Makefile. The one I will cover is make histogram. This runs the build process and then symlinks ./build/cli to ./histogram for easy access to the command line


  • Plots/
    • Contains plots generated for the assignment.
  • include/
    • Contains header files for the three histogram generators (called solvers for some reason in my code).
    • Contains other header files shared across the project.
  • results/
    • Contains the output of auto as a .csv
  • solvers/
    • Contains implementation details for each of the histogram generators (solvers).
  • src/
    • Contains implementation details for shared source files (currently on the command line parser).


Overall, this lab showed that more threads produced faster results. I tested the code on my MacBook pro with 12 cores, and saw a good speedup over single-threaded performance up to about 8 threads. After that, adding more threads slightly improved the runtime, but did not give linear improvments. See plots/ for more information.

Lessons Learned

This small project was a great opportunity to learn some about parallel programming and C++. Here are some of my takeaways:

  • Putting all of the simple types into a file called types.h was great until I realized that everytime I changed any type, basicaly the entire project had to be recompiled. I think in the future it would be better to stick different classes in different files, even if they are just pretty short. I think that grouping classes together by expected use scope is probably the way to go.

  • Working with std algorithms and not using for-loops, pointers, or indices is an excellent way to write code that doesn't crash or segfault, even in the edge cases. I was really impressed with how well my code handled non-uniformly sized inputs.

  • Immediately evaluated lambda expressions are excellent for computing constants. I found them so useful for replacing ternary operators and preventing scope pollution with intermediate terms.

    This is the way I used to do calculations that depended on an intermediate value and a predicate. This method works fine, but suffers from a few issues. First, intermediate is introduced into the same scope as value, even if it's not going to be used anywhere else. Secondly, value's type must be explicity declared and can't be const unless the if/else statement is collapsed to a ternary operation, which could prove difficult if either branch is a more complex than a single expression. Example:

    // Old way 
    const auto intermediate = /* some calculation */;
    int value;
    if (/* predicate */) {
      value = intermediate /* operation */;
    } else {
      value = intermediate /* other operation */;

    By using a immediately evaluated lambda expression, we only introduce value into the scope of usable variables and we make the calculation of value clear to the reader. Example:

    const auto value = [&](){
      const auto intermediate = /* some calculation */;
      if (/* predicate */) {
        return intermediate /* operation */;
      } else {
        return intermediate /* other operation */;
    }(); // immediately call the lambda where it's created to get a value instead
         // of a callable

    With optimizations enabled, this code should be constexpr friendly and should produce similar assembly to that of a ternary operator or normal if statement. Obviously, if this code was a bottleneck in a system it would also be possible to refactor it in such a way to get the machine code that was desired.

  • Setting up simple abstractions that can be optimized away makes for really flexible algorithms and code. For the "tree-structured" histogram generator I used semaphores to ensure that all of the threads merge their calculations correctly. I wrote a simple class to abstract away the functionality of the semaphores in order to make the algorithm easier to implement, but the abstraction ended up being great for another reason. After talking to my professor about using std::binary_semaphore instead of Pthread semaphores due to the availablility of std::binary_semaphore on the cluster we are using for the course, I realized that abstracting away the semaphore specifics made it easy to switch out the semaphore implementation.