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Shopify Integration


Shopify is a popular online store service.

This is a fully hosted and supported integration for use with the Wombat product. With this integration you can perform the following functions:

  • Send product information to Shopify whenever products are created or updated.
  • Send customer and order information to Shopify whenever orders are created or updated.

Connection Parameters

The following parameters must be setup within Wombat:

Name Value
shopify_apikey Shopify account API key (required)
shopify_password Shopify account password (required)
shopify_host Shopify account host, no 'http://' (required)


The following webhooks are implemented. For all 'get_' webhooks, a 'shopify_id' field is return that use used to tie a Wombat object to its corresponding Shopify object.

  • get_orders: Retrieves a list of orders from Shopify with all details of line items, taxes, discounts, shipping charges etc in Wombat official format. Each order's 'id' will be the Shopify order ID. 'source' will be set to your shopify_host parameter value. Also returns a list of shipment objects associated with all orders.
  • get_products: Retrieves a list of products from shopify. Also returns a list of inventory items, one for each product.
  • add_product
  • update_product
  • get_inventory: Retrieves one inventory items for each product.
  • get_shipments: Retrieves shipments recorded in Shopify.
  • update_shipment
  • get_customers: Retrieves a list of customers from Shopify (based on last updated timestamp).
  • add_customer
  • update_customer: Note that a known bug exists that makes it impossible to update a customer's address. We are looking into this now with Shopify.


There are various differences between how Wombat and Shopify handle objects that are worth noting and watching out for:

  • Products: First, Shopify only stores SKU and price values in variants, while Wombat has a sort of base product with a SKU and a price, along with variants, which also have SKUs and prices. This integration ignores Wombat's base SKU and price and only uses those from variants. Second, Shopify only associates images only with base products, not for each variant, while Wombat associates images with the base product AND its variants. So, when adding a Wombat product to Shopify, we add all Wombat images to the Shopify base product. The 'gotcha' here is that products added to Shopify with images associated with variants will lose that association. Finally, Shopify checks if image URLs are valid prior to adding them, and will fail to add an image URL silently if not.
  • Customers: Shopify checks to ensure that customer emails and addresses are unique, and will not add a customer if not.


Wombat allows you to connect to your own custom integrations. Feel free to modify the source code and host your own version of the integration - or beter yet, help to make the official integration better by submitting a pull request!

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This integration is 100% open source an licensed under the terms of the New BSD License.


Wombat integration for Shopify






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