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A game for js13kGames 2018 Offline

Supports mouse, touch, and keyboard:

WASD/Arrows + ESC + Space/Enter



The entrypoint to the unminified, commented TypeScript is browser.ts

The main game engine is in game.ts, and the map generation is in map.ts


First, the TypeScript is compiled to ES6. Then a home-made and rather crude tool inlines all the imports to create a single JS file, then makes some pre-optimizations before calling uglify

Optimization Strategy

  • Restricted vocabulary used by in-game text for better compression
  • Low-res, 1 bit graphics. Very small files compress better as GIF, bigger files and files with transparency (like player etc) compress better as PNG
  • CSS effects to shift color schemes, slight winner over processing pixels via ImageData
  • Store all data in arrays to make data creation/access/mutation more "samey" for better compression
  • Use lots of constants (that will get inlined by uglify andyway) to aid readability, it is especially helpful to name known indices into arrays
  • Stick with as few control structures as possible, and again, try to make them "samey" for compression

Normally in a restricted size competition I would have golfed the code serveral times over to make sure I had enough bytes to finish, but in this case I ran out of time before I ran out of bytes, so very little golfing actually took place.

Debugging Tools

When trying to make good maps, I found it useful to be able to convert a map structure to an image so I could look at the whole map at once rather than having to walk around it in-game. I generate two images, one a false-color map, and the other a full-sized map using the game graphics:

False Color Map

Full Size Map

Map Generation

Warning, gameplay spoilers follow.

Map Generator

  1. Place 4 points along the edges that will bound the island
  2. Place a random amount of points within the island - these will be used to place quests
  3. Randomly join points that are near to each other until every point is joined.
    Also join some of the already joined paths to other paths. Some paths will close off interior areas from the sea.
  4. Make clearings around the quest points
  5. Pick random points next to existing land points and add them to the land until the landmass reaches the desired size
  6. Pick the leftmost land tile - this will be where the player starts.
  7. For each of the closed off interior areas, randomly pick one of these biomes and fill it with:
    • Forest,
    • Meadow,
    • Mountains, or
    • Lake
  8. Decoration step that adds sand around water, randomly places different grass tiles, trees, rocks etc.
  9. Clear original paths between quests to an empty land tile, as a visual clue for the user when exploring
  10. Randomly place a different quest at each of the quest locations in the following proportion, and place one of each quest type near to the player start. Make the furthest location from the player the satellite.
    • Ruins 50%
    • Huts 25%
    • Portals 15%
    • None 10%


  • pixels scaled as big as possible centered in viewport
  • draw font to canvas
  • setup to minify
    • Size: 1439, Remaining: 11873
  • create art - some grass and tree tiles
    • Size: 1730, Remaining: 11582
  • create art - a player sprite, two(?) frames animation
    • Size: 2070, Remaining: 11242
  • generate a map with grass placed randomly, some trees
    • Size: 2160, Remaining: 11152
  • draw map
    • Size: 2268, Remaining: 11044
  • draw player
    • Size: 2287, Remaining: 11025
  • player animates
    • Size: 2325, Remaining: 10987
  • player can move around with arrows or tap, trees and edge of map block
    • Only implemented keyboard - mouse/touch controls is a luxury we can add later
    • Size: 2456, Remaining: 10856
  • implement messages
    • Size: 2566, Remaining: 10746
  • implement day/night cycle
    • Size: 2660, Remaining: 10652
  • create art - water tiles
    • Size: 2820, Remaining: 10492
  • proper tile collision code
    • Size: 2689, Remaining: 10623
  • generate better map
    • Size: 2853, Remaining: 10459
  • color modes - green and amber
    • Size: 2955, Remaining: 10357
  • splash screen
    • Size: 3672, Remaining: 9640
  • bump interactions
    • Size: 3688, Remaining: 9624
  • computer interface
    • Size: 4030, Remaining: 9282
  • create art - food icon
  • create art - health icon
  • create art - skeleton
  • food mechanic
  • health mechanic
    • Size: 4219, Remaining: 9093
  • touch controls
    • Size: 4425, Remaining: 8887
  • improve splash
    • Size: 4487, Remaining: 8825
  • create art - boat
    • Size: 4648, Remaining: 8664
  • create art - path
    • Size: 4743, Remaining: 8569
  • refactor
    • Size: 4746, Remaining: 8566
    • Move all consts together and rename
    • Move all lets together and rename
    • Extract functions for map generation
    • Better maps with waypoints
    • Move to typescript with hacked in import inliner
    • Size: 4642, Remaining: 8670
  • multiple
    • create art - hut
    • create art - sand
    • improve map generation
    • Size: 5059, Remaining: 8253
  • massive speed optimization
    • Size 5251, Remaining: 8061
  • create art - monsters
    • reinstate touch controls
    • Size 5513, Remaining: 7799
  • create art - inside hut
    • enter and exit huts
    • Size: 5819, Remaining: 7493
  • reinstate boat
    • message if bump boat
    • Size: 5903, Remaining: 7409
  • monster mechanics
    • monsters created and move randomly
    • Size: 6147, Remaining: 7165
  • blue color mode for night instead of invert
    • Size: 6137, Remaining: 7175
  • monsters
    • monsters can harm player and vice versa
    • monsters have chance to move towards player
    • BUG: but maybe keep - monsters can move on both x and y axis each turn
    • BUG: monsters can move onto player tile!
    • Size: 6244, Remaining: 7068
  • BUG: monsters and player can harm each other during day!
    • Size: 6263, Remaining: 7049
  • BUG: food can resurrect you after you die!
    • BUG: monsters can kill you in the hut
    • Size: 6284, Remaining: 7028
  • get computers working again
    • Size: 6516, Remaining: 6796
  • bed in hut to sleep
    • Size: 6675, Remaining: 6637
  • hungry message
    • Size: 6685, Remaining: 6627
  • restart on death
    • Size: 6754, Remaining: 6558
  • biomes
    • BUG: map generation sometimes crashes
    • create art - more tiles - rocks, flowers, more trees
    • Size: 7941, Remaining: 5371
  • ISSUE: map generation sometimes very slow
    • create quest art: satellite
    • create quest art: portal
    • Size: 8057, Remaining: 5255
  • get key from dead ranger and message
    • Size: 8270, Remaining: 5042
  • implement keys and locks on huts
    • Size: 8362, Remaining: 4950
  • search ruins
    • Size: 8487, Remaining: 4825
    • portals spawn extra monsters, fix bugs
    • Monsters can't move to a spot where a monster died
    • Player can sometimes start blocked in
    • Monsters don't move towards player properly
    • Size: 8756, Remaining: 4556
  • if enough caps, can fix computer
    • Size: 8838, Remaining: 4474
  • synthesize food once per day
    • Size: 8917, Remaining: 4395
  • rename caps to chips, new graphic too
    • Size: 8197, Remaining: 5115
  • can use backups you find to restore various computer functions
    • database restore:
      • intro to story from RANGER - "was sent to investigate ruins - found strange technology"
      • ghost/portal origin
      • how to shut down portals
      • how to wipe out the ghosts
      • how to get satellite working - note to not call base until ghosts cleared else the rescue team will get wiped out and you lose
    • basic map functionality
    • Size: 9328, Remaining: 3984
  • map restore:
    • show a grid square of map
    • map can show location of huts, ruins, satellite etc
    • Size: 9511, Remaining: 3801
  • instead of ruins taking one hour and sometimes find nothing, distribute needed amount of items + some padding amongs all ruins, and you always find something until ruins are empty
    • BUG - currentRuins is undefined
    • fog of war and/or minimap
    • Size: 10560, Remaining: 2752
  • BUG - player position on map wrong
    • Size: 11313, Remaining: 1999
  • Show portals on map
    • Size: 11271, Remaining: 2041
  • Push correct things to display so you see new notes and new map immediately
    • Size: 11282, Remaining: 2030
  • Always show current location on map
    • Size: 11279, Remaining: 2033
  • Nearing the end
    • BUG - can sometimes synth food multiple times
    • BUG - diagnostics should be up to date
    • alter chips to destroy portals
    • portal animations at night, clear at day
    • show status of huts, ruins, portals etc on map
    • Size: 11744, Remaining: 1568
    • fix satellite to:
      • enable comms to call back to base and win
      • if you don't deal with ghosts first, you lose (see above)
    • satellite, offline message when bump until working
    • satellite animation when working
    • win screen
    • Size: 12140, Remaining: 1172
  • Stop searching if monster nearby
    • Size: 12200, Remaining: 1112
  • Better splash screen
    • Size: 12253, Remaining: 1059
  • BUG - you are under attack searching ruins during day
    • Size: 12261, Remaining: 1051
  • Show water on computer map different to unseen
    • Size: 12261, Remaining: 1051
  • Computer map improvements
    • Size: 12316, Remaining: 996
  • BUG - recent change broke map gen
    • Size: 12320, Remaining: 992


js13k games entry for 2018







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