This project was created as part of the curriculum for the Full Stack Web Development Program at [Career Foundry] ( 1. It is the server-side component (Express Web Server) to a movie themed, MERN web application ( developed with the REST API architectural style.
- Mongo DB
- Mongoose
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Express
- Passport
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations and Basic HTTP Methods
- Postman
Final Project was required to have the following features:
- Return a list of ALL movies to the user.
- Return data (description, genre, director, image URL) about a Single movie by title to the user.
- Return data about a genre (description) by name/title (e.g., “Thriller”).
- Return data about a director (bio, birth year, death year) by name.
- Allow new users to register.
- Allow users to update their user info (username, password, email).
- Allow users to add and remove a movie from their list of favorites.
- Allow existing users to deregister / delete their account.
Documentation for all project endpoints can be found at the following Heroku link (
If you are considering enrolling in the Full Stack Web Development Program at Career Foundry, I cannot strongly enough caution you to NOT ENROLL. The lessons are filled with so much deprecated code and blatant errors that it is criminal. Feel free to contact me if you would like more detailed information. ↩