🌍 Comprehensive COVID-19 Data Analysis & Modeling 🦠 Welcome to the Comprehensive COVID-19 Data Analysis and Modeling repository! This project focuses on analyzing and modeling the spread and impact of COVID-19 using machine learning techniques. The primary objective is to provide insightful data-driven predictions and visualizations to understand the trends, patterns, and factors that influenced the pandemic. 📊
🚀 Key Features:
- Data Collection 📚: Aggregating global COVID-19 datasets from reliable sources like WHO, John Hopkins University, and government portals.
- Data Cleaning & Preprocessing 🧹: Handling missing data, normalizing time series, and preparing the dataset for analysis.
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) 🔍: Visualizing and understanding trends (cases, recoveries, deaths) through interactive plots and statistical analysis.
- Evaluation & Metrics 📈: Analyzing model accuracy, precision, recall, and more to ensure reliable predictions.
- Interactive Dashboards 🖥️: Creating dynamic visualizations to allow real-time monitoring of trends.
🔧 Tech Stack:
- Languages: Python 🐍
- Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly
- ML Models: Linear Regression, Decision Trees, ARIMA, and more
- Visualization Tools: Plotly Dash for interactive visualizations
🤝 Contribution:
Feel free to contribute to this project by creating issues, submitting pull requests, or suggesting improvements! Let’s collaborate to better understand and model the pandemic’s dynamics.Comprehensive COVID-19 Data Analysis The& Modeling project focuses on using machine learning to analyze COVID-19 data. It aims to uncover trends, predict future developments, and provide data-driven insights on the pandemic’s impact through advanced modeling and visualization techniques.