- Separation of concerns (new files, functions, classes)
- Repetitive code = function (call to GitHub API)
- Usage of ES6
- I did not know if I can use Bootstrap, so I didn't
- I have never tried Unit testing, I didn't successfully implemented it in the project, but I tried and work a bit (tried Jasmine and QUnit, the latter is still present in the project, tests.js file)
The main goal of this tech test is to create a client side web application that reproduces the screenshots below by using GitHub API .
We will only evaluate the client side code and the criteria will be based mainly on:
- Good use of pure Javascript language without external libraries and frameworks like jQuery, React...
- Clean HTML and CSS markup
- Clean, maintainable & easytoread
- Good architectural practices
- Investigate the github api calls for user and repos (for example: test them in the browser)
- Fork this repository & cd into the directory
- Launch the web application, for example with: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337
- Open the browser with http://localhost:1337/ and start coding!
- Adding Unit Testing. External libraries limitation doesn't apply here, you can use Jasmine, Karma...
The user can search a username of GitHub
If the searched username does exist: The searched user profile is displayed with all his repositories
If the searched username does not exist: An error is shown