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@meliache meliache released this 24 Mar 10:47
· 345 commits to main since this release

Upps, release v0.6.0 was mistakenly missing two PR's, #79 and #81, since I added the tag at the HEAD of the last branch that I merged and that branch didn't contain those PR's yet. into that release (#79), but that branch wasn't rebased to the head of main and didn't contain the LSF bugfix PR #81 and the gbasf2 feature PR #77 for supporting global tags. So this patch release includes those PRs and also it includes a fix to our PyPi publishing workflow (#82).


  • #81: Bugfix in LSF batch code for getting settings
  • #82: Fix missing depency in github workflow for automatic publishing to PyPi


  • #77: the global tags have been also added to the sub-set of the basf2-state that is pickled and send to the grid. Remember, the gbasf2 batch wrapper just pickle the basf2 path and sends this to grid, so everything that is saved in the basf2 state is not transferred. In the previous release we already added pickling the basf2 variable aliases separately, now the global tags have also been added. If you have ideas how to handle this more generally, feel free to contribute via issue #35