Java Implementation of ITS Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Security Security header and certificate formats
This is a library used to generate data structures from the ETSI TS 103 097 (EU) and IEEE 1609.2 2015 (US) specification.
The software is released under AGPL, see LICENSE.txt for more details. In order to get the software under a different licensing agreement please contact p.vendil (at)
- Added support for ETSI TS 103 097 V1.2.1 (Version 2 certificate and SecureMessages), V2 Certificates and SecureMessages have been interoperability tested with ETSI test tool from ts_10309603v010201p0 package. (Tests was done to verify generated messages and generation and parsing of certificates).
- Added utility methods to retrieve variant of verification public key from certificates (common API for both US and EU standard)
- Added support for IEEE 1609.2 certificate (US standard)
- Improved automatic build of project.
- Interoperability testing of all aspects except encryption.
- Bug-fixes on signature generation where trailer field signature type wasn't included in the digest calculation.
- Ecies Encryption scheme support in DefaultCryptoManager
- Restructured the behaviour of CryptoManager verifySecuredMessage to throw InvalidITSSignatureException instead of returning a boolean
It supports generation of the following data structures will all related substructures:
- Root CA Certificate
- Enrollment CA Certificate
- Authorization CA Certificate
- Enrollment Credential Certificate
- Authorization Ticket
- Secure Messages for CAM and DENM
Encryption of generated Secure Messages is not implemented in the current version.
See Javadoc and examples below for more detailed information.
Version 0.9.5 and above have been inter-operability tested with the site and all version 1 Certificate and signed SecuredMessages v1 is successfully verified.
Important: Encryped Secured Messages are still not fully inter-operability tested and might contain problems.
Full example code can be seen in src/test/java/org/certificateservices/custom/c2x/demo it contains demo of both ITS (EU) and IEEE (US) standards.
Before doing anything else you need to initialize a CryptoManager used for all cryptographic operations.
//Create a crypto manager in charge of communicating with underlying cryptographic components
CryptoManager cryptoManager = new DefaultCryptoManager();
// Initialize the crypto manager to use soft keys using the bouncy castle cryptographic provider.
cryptoManager.setupAndConnect(new DefaultCryptoManagerParams("BC"));
Example code on how to generate Root a CA, use the AuthorityCertGenerator:
// Create an authority certificate generator and initialize it with the crypto manager.
// This constructor creates a Version 2 generator, use alternate constructor where certificate version can be specified for version 1.
AuthorityCertGenerator authorityCertGenerator = new AuthorityCertGenerator(cryptoManager);
// Generate a reference to the Root CA Signing Keys
KeyPair rootCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Generate the list of ITS AID values for the Root CA
List<BigInteger> rootCAItsAidList = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
rootCAItsAidList.add(new BigInteger("1"));
// Generate the root CA Certificate, without any encryption keys or geographic region.
Certificate rootCACertificate = authorityCertGenerator.genRootCA("TestRootCA".getBytes("UTF-8"), // subjectName
rootCAItsAidList, //itsAidList
4, // assuranceLevel
3, // confidenceLevel
new Date(), // validFrom
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 3600* 24 * 365 * 10), // validTo, 10 years in this example
null, // geographicRegion
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, // signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
rootCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey,
rootCASigningKeys.getPrivate(), // signPrivateKey,
null, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
null); // encPublicKey
To generate an Enrollment CA:
// Generate a reference to the Enrollment CA Signing Keys
KeyPair enrollmentCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Generate the list of ITS AID values for the Enrollment CA
List<BigInteger> enrollmentCAItsAidList = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
enrollmentCAItsAidList.add(new BigInteger("2"));
// Generate a reference to the Enrollment CA Signing Keys
Certificate enrollmentCACertificate =authorityCertGenerator.genEnrollmentAuthorityCA(
enrollmentCAItsAidList, //itsAidList
4, //assuranceLevel
3, //confidenceLevel
new Date(), // validFrom
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 3600* 24 * 365 * 10), // validTo, 10 years in this example
null, // geographicRegion
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, // signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
null, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
null, // encPublicKey
To generate an Authority CA:
// Generate a reference to the Authorization CA Signing Keys
KeyPair authorityCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Generate the list of ITS AID values for the Authorization CA
List<BigInteger> authorityCAItsAidList = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
authorityCAItsAidList.add(new BigInteger(""+SecuredMessageGenerator.ITS_AID_CAM));
authorityCAItsAidList.add(new BigInteger(""+SecuredMessageGenerator.ITS_AID_DENM));
// Generate a reference to the Authorization CA Signing Keys
Certificate authorityCACertificate = authorityCertGenerator.genAuthorizationAuthorityCA(
enrollmentCAItsAidList, //itsAidList
4, //assuranceLevel
3, //confidenceLevel
new Date(), // validFrom
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 3600* 24 * 365 * 10), // validTo, 10 years in this example
null, // geographicRegion
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, // signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
null, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
null, // encPublicKey
To create an Enrollment Credential use the EnrollmentCredentialCertGenerator.
// Now we have the CA hierarchy, the next step is to generate an enrollment credential
// First we create a Enrollment Credential Cert Generator using the newly created Enrollment CA.
// This constructor creates a Version 2 generator, use alternate constructor where certificate version can be specified for version 1.
EnrollmentCredentialCertGenerator enrollmentCredentialCertGenerator = new EnrollmentCredentialCertGenerator(cryptoManager, enrollmentCACertificate, enrollmentCASigningKeys.getPrivate());
// Next we generate keys for an enrollment credential.
KeyPair enrollmentCredentialSigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Next we generate keys for an enrollment credential.
KeyPair enrollmentCredentialEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Generate the list of ITS AID values for the enrollment credential
List<BigInteger> enrollCredItsAidList = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
enrollCredItsAidList.add(new BigInteger("4"));
// Then use the following command to generate a enrollment credential
Certificate enrollmentCredential = enrollmentCredentialCertGenerator.genEnrollmentCredential(
"TestEnrollmentCredential".getBytes("UTF-8"),// subjectName
enrollCredItsAidList,// itsAidList
4,// assuranceLevel
3,// confidenceLevel
new Date(), // validFrom
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 3600* 24 * 365 * 10), // validTo, 10 years in this example
null,// geographicRegion
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256,// signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCredentialSigningKeys.getPublic(),// signPublicKey
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecies_nistp256,// encPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCredentialEncryptionKeys.getPublic() // encPublicKey
To create an Authorization Ticket l use the AuthorizationTicketCertGenerator.
// Authorization Tickets are created by the AuthorizationTicketCertGenerator
// This constructor creates a Version 2 generator, use alternate constructor where certificate version can be specified for version 1.
AuthorizationTicketCertGenerator authorizationTicketCertGenerator = new AuthorizationTicketCertGenerator(cryptoManager, authorityCACertificate, authorityCASigningKeys.getPrivate());
// Next we generate keys for an authorization ticket.
KeyPair authorizationTicketSigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Next we generate keys for an authorization ticket.
KeyPair authorizationTicketEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256);
// Generate the list of ITS AID values for the Authorization Ticket
List<BigInteger> authTicketItsAidList = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
authTicketItsAidList.add(new BigInteger("4"));
Certificate authorizationTicket = authorizationTicketCertGenerator.genAuthorizationTicket(
enrollCredItsAidList,// itsAidList
4,// assuranceLevel
3,// confidenceLevel
new Date(), // validFrom
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 3600* 24 * 365 * 10), // validTo, 10 years in this example
null,// geographicRegion
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256,// signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorizationTicketSigningKeys.getPublic(),// signPublicKey
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecies_nistp256,// encPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorizationTicketEncryptionKeys.getPublic()); // encPublicKey
To create Secured Messages use the SecuredMessageGenerator.
// Secure Messages are created by the Secure Message Generator
// This constructor creates a Version 2 generator, use alternate constructor where certificate version can be specified for version 1.
SecuredMessageGenerator securedMessageGenerator = new SecuredMessageGenerator(cryptoManager, PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, authorizationTicket, new Certificate[]{},authorityCASigningKeys.getPrivate(), PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecies_nistp256, authorizationTicketEncryptionKeys.getPrivate());
// Next to generate a CAM Message, supported SignerIntoTypes are certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256 and certificate
SecuredMessage signedCAMMessage = securedMessageGenerator.genSignedCAMMessage(SignerInfoType.certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256, "SomeMessageData".getBytes("UTF-8"));
byte[] someHash = {0x01,0x02,0x03};
// To Generate a CAM Unreqognized certificates message
List<HashedId3> unrecognizedCertificates = new ArrayList<HashedId3>();
unrecognizedCertificates.add(new HashedId3(someHash));
SecuredMessage unReqognizedMessages= securedMessageGenerator.genSignedCAMUnrecognizedCertificatesMessage(SignerInfoType.certificate, unrecognizedCertificates);
// To Generate a DENM Message
ThreeDLocation generationLocation = new ThreeDLocation(900000000, 1800000000 , 100);
SecuredMessage signedDENMMessage = securedMessageGenerator.genSignedDENMMessage(generationLocation, "SomeMessageData".getBytes("UTF-8"));
Neither CAM nor DENM messages should be encrypted, so in this example is a SecureMessage built manually
List<HeaderField> headerFields = new ArrayList<HeaderField>();
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,new Time64(Certificate.CERTIFICATE_VERSION_2,new Date()))); // generate generation time
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,generationLocation));
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,new IntX(123))); // Just have any value since no known message type uses encryption
// The payload that should be encrypted should have type encrypted, others will be ignored.
Payload payload = new Payload(PayloadType.encrypted,"SomeClearText".getBytes("UTF-8"));
SecuredMessage secureMessage = new SecuredMessage(headerFields, payload);
// First we create a list of receipients certificates that should be able to decrypt the payload.
List<Certificate> receipients = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
// Then we use the cryptoManager to create a cloned message with encrypted payload.
SecuredMessage encryptedMessage = cryptoManager.encryptSecureMessage(secureMessage, PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecies_nistp256, receipients);
// Verify that the payload data have been replaced with it's encrypted content.
assert !(new String(encryptedMessage.getPayloadFields().get(0).getData(), "UTF-8").equals("SomeClearText"));
// To decrypt we need the receivers certificate and the related private key.
SecuredMessage decryptedMessage = cryptoManager.decryptSecureMessage(encryptedMessage, authorizationTicket, authorizationTicketEncryptionKeys.getPrivate());
// Verify that the payload is in clear text again.
assert new String(decryptedMessage.getPayloadFields().get(0).getData(), "UTF-8").equals("SomeClearText");
In this example we generate messages with payload type signed_and_encrypted, i.e the data is both signed and encrypted.
// We start with constructing a secured message
headerFields = new ArrayList<HeaderField>();
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,new Time64(Certificate.CERTIFICATE_VERSION_2,new Date()))); // generate generation time
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,generationLocation));
headerFields.add(new HeaderField(SecuredMessage.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2,new IntX(123))); // ITS_AID, Just have any value since no known message type uses encryption
// There is no need to add recipient_info or encryption_parameters, these will be calculated and appended automatically by the crypto manager.
// The payload that should be encrypted should have type encrypted, others will be ignored.
payload = new Payload(PayloadType.signed_and_encrypted,"SomeClearText".getBytes("UTF-8"));
secureMessage = new SecuredMessage(headerFields, payload);
SecuredMessage encryptedAndSignedMessage = cryptoManager.encryptAndSignSecureMessage(secureMessage, enrollmentCredential, new Certificate[]{enrollmentCACertificate},
PublicKeyAlgorithm.ecies_nistp256, receipients);
assert encryptedAndSignedMessage.getTrailerFields().get(0).getTrailerFieldType() == TrailerFieldType.signature;
// Verify that the payload data have been replaced with it's encrypted content.
assert !(new String(encryptedAndSignedMessage.getPayloadFields().get(0).getData(), "UTF-8").equals("SomeClearText"));
// To verify and decrypt the message use the following method, if signer info type is certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256, you need to verify with
// alternative method where signer certificate is specified.
SecuredMessage decryptedAndVerifiedMessage = cryptoManager.verifyAndDecryptSecuredMessage(encryptedAndSignedMessage, authorizationTicket, authorizationTicketEncryptionKeys.getPrivate());
assert new String(decryptedAndVerifiedMessage.getPayloadFields().get(0).getData(), "UTF-8").equals("SomeClearText");
// To encode a certificate to a byte array use the following method
byte[] certificateData = authorizationTicket.getEncoded();
// To decode certificate data use the following constructor
Certificate decodedCertificate = new Certificate(certificateData);
// To encode a secured message to a byte array use the following method.
byte[] messageData = signedDENMMessage.getEncoded();
// To decode message data use the following constructor.
SecuredMessage decodedMessage = new SecuredMessage(messageData);
// To calculate correct Certificate HashedId3 or 8 use the constructor supplying the certificate and cryptomanager to automatically normalize the certificate before calculating
// the hash value.
HashedId8 certHash = new HashedId8(authorizationTicket, cryptoManager);
// The certificate hash value can be extracted with.
The implementation supports the following:
- Encodes using ASN.1 COER
- Support for both ecdsaNistP256 and ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1 algorithm schemes
- Generation of RootCA, Enrollment CA (Long Term) and Authorization (Short Term) CA
- Generation of Enrollment Certificates and Authorization Certificate
- Support for both explicit and implicit certificate generation
- Support signing and encryption of SecuredData structures
- Generation of SecuredCRL structures.
Important: The encryption scheme hasn't been properly tested for inter-operability yet and might contain wrong ECIES parameters.
Full example code can be seen in src/test/java/org/certificateservices/custom/c2x/demo it contains demo of both ITS (EU) and IEEE (US) standards.
Before doing anything else you need to initialize a CryptoManager used for all cryptographic operations.
//Create a crypto manager in charge of communicating with underlying cryptographic components
CryptoManager cryptoManager = new DefaultCryptoManager();
// Initialize the crypto manager to use soft keys using the bouncy castle cryptographic provider.
cryptoManager.setupAndConnect(new DefaultCryptoManagerParams("BC"));
Example code on how to generate Root a CA, use the AuthorityCertGenerator:
// Create an authority certificate generator and initialize it with the crypto manager.
AuthorityCertGenerator authorityCertGenerator = new AuthorityCertGenerator(cryptoManager);
// Generate a reference to the Root CA Keys
KeyPair rootCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
KeyPair rootCAEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
CertificateId rootCAId = new CertificateId(new Hostname("Test RootCA"));
ValidityPeriod rootCAValidityPeriod = new ValidityPeriod(new Date(), DurationChoices.years, 45);
List<Integer> countries = new ArrayList<Integer>();
GeographicRegion region = GeographicRegion.generateRegionForCountrys(countries);
// Generate the root CA Certificate, without any encryption keys or geographic region.
Certificate rootCACertificate = authorityCertGenerator.genRootCA(rootCAId, // CertificateId
rootCAValidityPeriod, //ValidityPeriod
region, //GeographicRegion
4, // assuranceLevel
3, // confidenceLevel
3, // minChainDepth
-1, // chainDepthRange
SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature, //signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
rootCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey
rootCASigningKeys.getPrivate(), // signPrivateKey
SymmAlgorithm.aes128Ccm, // symmAlgorithm
BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
rootCAEncryptionKeys.getPublic()); // encPublicKey
To generate an Enrollment CA:
// Generate a reference to the Enrollment CA Keys
KeyPair enrollmentCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
KeyPair enrollmentCAEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
CertificateId enrollmentCAId = new CertificateId(new Hostname("Test Enrollment CA"));
ValidityPeriod enrollmentCAValidityPeriod = new ValidityPeriod(new Date(), DurationChoices.years, 37);
byte[] cracaid = Hex.decode("010203"); // Some cracaid
PsidSspRange[] subjectPerms = new PsidSspRange[1];
subjectPerms[0] = new PsidSspRange(new Psid(5), new SspRange(SspRangeChoices.all, null)); // Insert proper subject permissions here.
// Generate a reference to the Enrollment CA Signing Keys
Certificate enrollmentCACertificate =authorityCertGenerator.genLongTermEnrollmentCA(
CertificateType.explicit, // Implicit or Explicit certificate
enrollmentCAId,// CertificateId
region, //GeographicRegion
99, // CrlSeries
4, // assuranceLevel
3, // confidenceLevel
2, // minChainDepth
0, // chainDepthRange
SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature, //signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey, i.e public key in certificate
rootCACertificate, // signerCertificate
rootCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signCertificatePublicKey, must be specified separately to support implicit certificates.
SymmAlgorithm.aes128Ccm, // symmAlgorithm
BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCAEncryptionKeys.getPublic() // encryption public key
To generate an Authorization CA:
// Generate a reference to the Authorization CA Keys
KeyPair authorityCASigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
KeyPair authorityCAEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
CertificateId authorityCAId = new CertificateId(new Hostname("Test Enrollment CA"));
ValidityPeriod authorityCAValidityPeriod = new ValidityPeriod(new Date(), DurationChoices.years, 15);
cracaid = Hex.decode("040506"); // Some cracaid
subjectPerms = new PsidSspRange[1];
subjectPerms[0] = new PsidSspRange(new Psid(6), new SspRange(SspRangeChoices.all, null)); // Insert proper subject permissions here.
// Generate a reference to the Authorization CA Signing Keys
Certificate authorityCACertificate = authorityCertGenerator.genAuthorizationCA(
CertificateType.explicit, // Implicit or Explicit certificate
authorityCAId,// CertificateId
region, //GeographicRegion
99, // Some CrlSeries
4, // assuranceLevel
3, // confidenceLevel
2, // minChainDepth
0, // chainDepthRange
SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature, //signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorityCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey, i.e public key in certificate
rootCACertificate, // signerCertificate
rootCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signCertificatePublicKey,
SymmAlgorithm.aes128Ccm, // symmAlgorithm
BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorityCAEncryptionKeys.getPublic() // encryption public key
To create an Enrollment Certificate (explicit in this example) use the EnrollmentCertGenerator.
// First we create a Enrollment Credential Cert Generator using the newly created Enrollment CA.
EnrollmentCertGenerator enrollmentCredentialCertGenerator = new EnrollmentCertGenerator(cryptoManager);
// Next we generate keys for an enrollment credential.
KeyPair enrollmentCredentialSigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
// Next we generate keys for an enrollment credential.
KeyPair enrollmentCredentialEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
CertificateId enrollCertId = new CertificateId(Hex.decode("0102030405060708"));
ValidityPeriod enrollCertValidityPeriod = new ValidityPeriod(new Date(), DurationChoices.years, 35);
PsidSspRange[] certRequestPermissions = new PsidSspRange[1];
certRequestPermissions[0] = new PsidSspRange(new Psid(5), new SspRange(SspRangeChoices.all, null)); // Insert proper subject permissions here.
// Then use the following command to generate a enrollment credential
Certificate enrollmentCredential = enrollmentCredentialCertGenerator.genEnrollCert(
CertificateType.explicit, // Implicit or Explicit certificate
enrollCertId, // Certificate Id,
cracaid, // insert proper cracaid here.
99, // Some CrlSeries
SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature, //signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCredentialSigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey, i.e public key in certificate
enrollmentCACertificate, // signerCertificate
enrollmentCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signCertificatePublicKey,
SymmAlgorithm.aes128Ccm, // symmAlgorithm
BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
enrollmentCredentialEncryptionKeys.getPublic() // encryption public key
To create an Authorization Certificate (implicit in this example) use the AuthorizationCertGenerator.
// Authorization certificates are created by the AuthorizationCertGenerator
AuthorizationCertGenerator authorizationCertGenerator = new AuthorizationCertGenerator(cryptoManager);
// Next we generate keys for an authorization certificate.
KeyPair authorizationCertRequestSigningKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
// Next we generate keys for an authorization certificate.
KeyPair authorizationCertEncryptionKeys = cryptoManager.generateKeyPair(SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
CertificateId authorizationCertId = new CertificateId(Hex.decode("9999999999"));
ValidityPeriod authorizationCertValidityPeriod = new ValidityPeriod(new Date(), DurationChoices.years, 35);
PsidSsp[] appPermissions = new PsidSsp[1];
appPermissions[0] = new PsidSsp(new Psid(6), null); // Insert proper app permissions here.
// Generate a certificate as an implicit certificate.
Certificate authorizationCert = authorizationCertGenerator.genAuthorizationCert(
CertificateType.implicit, // Implicit or Explicit certificate
authorizationCertId, // Certificate Id,
cracaid, // insert proper cracaid here.
99, // Some CrlSeries
SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature, //signingPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorizationCertRequestSigningKeys.getPublic(), // signPublicKey, i.e public key in certificate
authorityCACertificate, // signerCertificate
authorityCASigningKeys.getPublic(), // signCertificatePublicKey,
SymmAlgorithm.aes128Ccm, // symmAlgorithm
BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256, // encPublicKeyAlgorithm
authorizationCertEncryptionKeys.getPublic() // encryption public key
// Implicit certificate needs to have it's private key reconstructed. R is given inside the ImplicitCertificateData (which is the actual type of implicit certificates)
PrivateKey authorizationCertSigningPrivateKey = cryptoManager.reconstructImplicitPrivateKey(authorizationCert,
((ImplicitCertificateData) authorizationCert).getR(),
authorizationCertRequestSigningKeys.getPrivate(), authorityCASigningKeys.getPublic(),
To encode and decode a certificate use:
// To encode a certificate to a byte array use the following method
byte[] certificateData = authorizationCert.getEncoded();
// To decode certificate data use the following constructor
Certificate decodedCertificate = new Certificate(certificateData);
To generate signed and/or encrypted Secured Data use the SecuredMessageGenerator:
// Secure Messages are created by the Secure Message Generator
SecuredDataGenerator securedMessageGenerator = new SecuredDataGenerator(SecuredDataGenerator.DEFAULT_VERSION, cryptoManager, HashAlgorithm.sha256, SignatureChoices.ecdsaNistP256Signature);
// It is then possible to create a signed message with the following code
// First generate a Header with
HeaderInfo hi = securedMessageGenerator.genHeaderInfo(
123L, // psid Required,
null, // generationTime Optional
null, // expiryTime Optional
null, // generationLocation Optional
null, // p2pcdLearningRequest Optional
null, // cracaid Optional
null, // crlSeries Optional
null, // encType Type of encryption when encrypting a message with a encryption key references in a signed message instead of a certificate. Optional
null // encryptionKey Optional
// This method can be used to sign the data
Ieee1609Dot2Data signedData = securedMessageGenerator.genSignedData(hi,
"TestData".getBytes(), // The actual payload message to sign.
SignerIdentifierType.HASH_ONLY, // One of HASH_ONLY, SIGNER_CERTIFICATE, CERT_CHAIN indicating reference data of the signer to include in the message
new Certificate[] {authorizationCert,authorityCACertificate, rootCACertificate}, // The chain is required even though it isn't included in
// the message if eventual implicit certificates need to have it's public key reconstructed.
authorizationCertSigningPrivateKey); // Signing Key
// The message can be encrypted with the method
// First construct a list of recipient which have the public key specified either as a symmetric key, certificate or in header of signed data
// In this example we will use certificate as reciever, see package org.certificateservices.custom.c2x.ieee1609dot2.generator.recipient for more details.
Ieee1609Dot2Data encryptedData = securedMessageGenerator.encryptData(BasePublicEncryptionKeyChoices.ecdsaNistP256,
signedData.getEncoded(), new Recipient[] {new CertificateRecipient(enrollmentCredential)});
// It is also possible to encrypt using a pre shared key using the encryptDataWithPresharedKey() method.
// It is also possible to sign and encrypt in one go.
byte[] encryptedAndSignedMessage = securedMessageGenerator.signAndEncryptData(hi,
new Certificate[] {authorizationCert,authorityCACertificate, rootCACertificate},
authorizationCertSigningPrivateKey, // Important to use the reconstructed private key for implicit certificates
new Recipient[] {new CertificateRecipient(enrollmentCredential)});
// To decrypt and verify a signed message it is possible to use the following
// First build a truststore of trust anchors (root CA certificate or equivalent)
Map<HashedId8, Certificate> trustStore = securedMessageGenerator.buildCertStore(new Certificate[] {rootCACertificate});
// Second build a store of known certificate that might be referenced in the message.
Map<HashedId8, Certificate> certStore = securedMessageGenerator.buildCertStore(new Certificate[] {authorizationCert, authorityCACertificate});
// To decrypt build a reciever store of known decryption keys and related receiver info, this can be certificate, signed message containing encryption key
// in header, symmetric key or pre shared key.
Map<HashedId8, Receiver> recieverStore = securedMessageGenerator.buildRecieverStore(new Receiver[] { new CertificateReciever(enrollmentCredentialEncryptionKeys.getPrivate(), enrollmentCredential)});
// Finally perform the decryption with.
byte[] decryptedMessage = securedMessageGenerator.decryptAndVerifySignedData(encryptedAndSignedMessage,
true, //requiredSignature true if message must be signed otherwise a IllegalArgument is throwm
true //requireEncryption true if message must be encrypted otherwise a IllegalArgument is throwm
// It is also possilbe to use the methods decryptData or verifySignedData (or verifyReferencedSignedData) for alternative methods to verify and decrypt messages.
To encode and decode a secured data use:
// To encode a secured message to a byte array use the following method.
byte[] messageData = signedData.getEncoded();
// To decode message data use the following constructor.
Ieee1609Dot2Data decodedMessage = new Ieee1609Dot2Data(messageData);