I'm Nguyen Khanh Quy, an Information Technology student at the HCMC University of Technology and Education. I am passionate about creating innovative solutions and exploring new technologies to address real-world problems.
- Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript
- Frontend: React
- Backend: Spring Boot
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
- Tools: Git, Postman, Docker
- IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code
Jacobin Store - Final term project of the "Web Programming" course
Jacobin Store Spring Boot - Final term project of the "Object Oriented Software Engineering" course
Job Portal - Backend - Final term project of the "Modern Technologies Software Engineering" course
Job Portal - Frontend - Final term project of the "Modern Technologies Software Engineering" course
Personal Website - Mid term project of the "Web Programming" course
Book Store API - Final term project of the "Mobile Programming" course
Book Store APP - Final term project of the "Mobile Programming" course
Job Portal APP - Final term project of the "Advanced Mobile Programming" course
Behavioral Design Patterns - Final term project of the "Software Design Patterns" course
Movie Catalog Management - Final term project of the "Data Structure and Algorithms" course
Warehouse Management - Final term project of the "Object Oriented Programming" course
Motorbike Store Chain Management - Final term project of the "Database Management System" course
Hotel Management - Final term project of the "Windows Programming" course
N-Puzzle - Final term project of the "Artificial Intelligence" course
Kessoku Band - Band Website - Kessoku Band
- LeetCode Solutions - This repository contains my solutions to problems on LeetCode
Let's connect and collaborate on exciting projects! π