Some things I enjoy doing A peek into the code of a low-level, faster and simpler cross-platform display / window handling library that I try to develop in my free time A screencap's worth of code for a game that I work on, an ever-changing testbed - for algorithmic and other ideas, and for that library to the left How that game whose code we see to the left looked at one point in time - it's a voxel scene, it's large and it's fast This one's just a photo of a tree - take time to look away from that screen, the world is beautiful! You are beautiful! Goom On-Line - a revival of a wonderful music visualizer, first released in 2001 by Jean-Christophe Hoelt, now in your web browser TinyMCE Editor Integration Plugin for Grav - created on a whim out of a simple need, unexpectedly it has become quite popular A snapshot of a work-in-progress GUI application for digital image correlation in experimental mechanics - the topic of my Bachelor's Hmm, what could this one be? Talk to me, help me select!