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Manage your recollections


Developer notes

Here are some tips and tricks.

Run in dev mode

We typically run the app(s) from command line and so dev.ps1 opens Windows Terminal with

  • API started
  • Blazor with dotnet watch build
  • Blazor with dotnet run --no-build

Add migration

Execute from command line in root git repository folder:

dotnet ef migrations add {name} --startup-project src\Recollections.Api --project {data_project} --context {context}


dotnet ef migrations add NewMigration --startup-project src\Recollections.Api --project src\Recollections.Entries.Data --context Neptuo.Recollections.Entries.DataContext

Build docker images

From repository root:

dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 /t:PublishContainer