rspec-sqlimit Public
RSpec matcher to control SQL queries made by block of code
nats.rs Public
Forked from nats-io/nats.rsRust client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 29, 2023 -
pg_trunk Public
Empower PostgreSQL migrations in Rails app
attestor Public archive
Validations and policies for immutable Ruby objects
fixturama Public
Collection of helpers for dealing with fixtures in RSpec
dry-initializer-rails Public
Rails plugin to dry-initializer gem
sms_aero Public
HTTP(s) client to SmsAero public API
evil-struct Public
Nested structure with type constraints, based on the `dry-initializer` DSL
assertion Public archive
Immutable assertions and validations for PORO
chronicles Public archive
Remembers invocations of object methods