This package provides a minimal customer management / CRUD scaffolding, in which a Customer
- belongsTo
an optional CustomerGroup
- morphMany Contact
entity as well as
- optional morphMany Address
It publishes controllers, models, formRequests, eloquent's resource classes, migrations, factories, test cases for CustomerGroup, Customer, Contact and optional Address resources to your application that can be easily customized based on your own application's needs.
Also, if you have any other model/entity in your app that is contactable or addressable, you do not need to redefine
the contact or address related fields in that entity, controller, formRequests and so on. All you have to do is just add
a new case in App\Enums\ContactBelongsTo
as well as in getContactParentModelClass()
method of this enum that represent
your model/entity (once you look at how Customer Entity is defined in this enum, you would have clear understanding about
how to add new entities) , and you are good to go. And same goes for the address entity. And yes, once you add your new
parent model that would have contacts or addresses, do not forget to add contacts()
and addresses()
relationship method
in that model (see Customer model as a concrete example).
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | bigInt | No (handled by Laravel) |
name | string | Yes | Using this field customers can be categorized. By default, this field is unique. However, It can be customized as per the need |
description | string | No | Additional info about the customerGroup |
created_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
updated_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
deleted_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | bigInt | No (handled by Laravel) |
first_name | string | Yes | |
middle_name | string | No | |
last_name | string | Yes | |
customer_code | string | No | Not required but if present, must be unique |
enable_notification | boolean | No | whether the emails/sms should be sent i.e. promotional emails |
date_of_birth | date | No | |
gender | string | Yes | Possible values are "M", "F" or "Other" |
gender_other | string | Yes/No | required_if gender attribute =Other |
note | string | No | An optional note/message that customer mentioned |
created_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
updated_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
deleted_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | bigInt | No (handled by Laravel) |
channel | string | Yes | the contact channel that will be used to contact. Email, Mobile, Other (twitter, instagram,...) |
channel_other | string | Yes | required_if channel attribute = Other |
channel_value | string | Yes | the value of the channel i.e. if channel attribute = Email then this attribute would be an email and if channel attribute is Mobile then this attribute would be a mobile number and if channel attribute = Other then channel_value attribute would depend on channel_other attribute's value. For example if channel=Other, channel_other=twitter and then channel_value=twitter handle and so on |
contactable_id | bigInt | Yes | The ID of the parent model this contact belongs to. i.e. the parent model may be a Customer, an Employee and so on |
contactable_type | string | Yes | The string identifier of the parent model this contact belongs to. i.e. It may a App\Models\Customer, App\Models\Employee and so on (note: as per laravel docs, this string identifier is customizable and for this reason a belongs_to attribute was added below) |
belongs_to | string | Yes | The string identifier of the parent model this contact belongs to. This string identifier would be unique_key per model |
created_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
updated_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
deleted_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | bigInt | No (handled by Laravel) |
line_1 | string | Yes | |
line_2 | string | No | |
postal_code | string | No | |
country_id | bigInt | Yes | |
region_id | bigInt | Yes | |
city_id | bigInt | Yes | |
landmark | string | No | |
lat | string | No | |
long | string | No | |
addressable_id | bigInt | Yes | The ID of the parent model this address belongs to. i.e. the parent model may a Customer, an Employee and so on |
addressable_type | string | Yes | The string identifier of the parent model this address belongs to. i.e. It may a App\Models\Customer, App\Models\Employee and so on (note: as per laravel docs, this string identifier is customizable and for this reason a belongs_to attribute was added below) |
belongs_to | string | Yes | The string identifier of the parent model this address belongs to. This string identifier would be unique_key per model |
applicable_for_shipping | boolean | No | |
created_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
updated_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
deleted_at | timestamp | No (handled by Laravel) |
Step 1:
composer require naveedali8086/customer-management --dev
composer require naveedali8086/contact-management --dev
(Optional: include following package if you want to have address(es) for a customer entity)
composer require naveedali8086/address-management --dev
Step 2:
Now publish the scaffolding provided by all these packages via:
php artisan customer-crud:install
php artisan contact-crud:install
php artisan address-crud:install (run this only if you have added "address-management" package
The Contact
and Address
entities have a morphTo
relationship (contactable
and addressable
defined in them. It means that the Contact
entity may belong to multiple parent entities. i.e. A contact may belong to
a Customer, Supplier, Doctor, Patient etc. If you added new parent for a Contact
entity, it must be defined in as a
new case of in App\Enums\ContactBelongsTo
as well as in getContactParentModelClass()
method of this enum. And same
goes for the address entity.
Also, if address-management package was installed, please uncomment addresses() relationship method in defined in Customer model.
Step 3:
php artisan migrate
Step 4:
Define customerGroup, customer, contact and (optional) address crud routes in api.php
or web.php
routes files as per your needs.
Route::apiResource('customer_groups', CustomerGroupController::class)
Route::apiResource('customers', CustomerController::class)
Route::apiResource('contacts', ContactController::class)
Route::apiResource('addresses', AddressController::class)
Route::resource('customer_groups', CustomerGroupController::class)
Route::resource('customers', CustomerController::class)
Route::resource('contacts', ContactController::class)
Route::resource('addresses', AddressController::class)
Note: you may be need to append except() or only() functions in above routes in web.php to only add routes that provide CRUD's backend functionality
php artisan test tests/Feature/CustomerGroupControllerTest.php
php artisan test tests/Feature/CustomerControllerTest.php
php artisan test tests/Feature/ContactControllerTest.php
php artisan test tests/Feature/AddressControllerTest.php
P.S. Or run all the tests in one go using
php artisan test tests/Feature/CustomerGroupControllerTest.php tests/Feature/CustomerControllerTest.php tests/Feature/ContactControllerTest.php tests/Feature/AddressControllerTest.php
and so.
In case there is anything unclear feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details