what is that ? metode skripshit is my personal package library php publish at packagist can used with composer. this library include metode mostly used at skripsI write with OOP PHP. contains metode statistic and string
Thank you kindly for the ⭐ and forks. When I first started working on this project in 2019, I had just undergraduated from college and had no prior exposure to web-development or open source. cause i'am start learn web-development and also explorer to many algorithm mostly used at skripsi (TA). so why i'am not build the package for reusability ? why not.
Without financial support, it was overwhelming to fix these issues, adding new method, reading a journal, not to mention that I felt like an absolute imposter. With a heavy heart 💔, I decided to keep continue :( and this in my portofolio my project
before you used this library maaybe you can read this, and for note i'am not often update documentation
wiki | indonesia
official-web | indonesia
youtube-video | indonesia
you need package manager composer dpwnload and install it. and run this comand below inside your project.
composer require nagara/metode-skripshit
okay, if you newbie used composer or write in native code, you need call this file in every file you need the tools for autoload composer.
I recommended used PHP version 7.4.5
include "vendor/autoload.php";
// another code here
if you used framework like Laravel or anything and have fiture autoload you no needed call "include". just call the namespace and create object. example for test
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImgMagic;
$image = new ImgMagic;
$path = "naruto.jpg";
$image->filter($path, "grayscale");
- indonesia
- english
- official-web | indonesia
- yt playlist || indonesia
you can build in server with call like this
build in server
php -S localhost:8000
okay if you install this is, you will get my personal tool and my metode. i'am build this from journal and implementation in code and also sometimes i'am just re writing code from other people and put inside.
for example code you can found at example dir
db ( PDO - PHP data Object )
image processing
- image processing | imagick & gdimage (rescaling, binarisation, noise removal, get dimention)
- parse image to text | ORC (optical character recognition)
- convert image jpg or png to png, jpg, gif or bmp | Gd Image
- image filter | GD image
- image compress thumbnail | Imagic
track ( time execution )
apriori | | not re-viewer
c45 | not re-viewer
The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
simple naive-bayes learning and under develeopment
⚠️ -
- v1 hash used ord not have decrypt
- v2 hash used custom ord have decrypt result ngram
- v1 rolling hash used ord not have decrypt
- v2 rolling hash used custom ord have decrypt result ngram
other ? | oke let's make something
next plan make libraries often used for skripshit you can read this link below
jika kamu terbantu dengan library ini kamu bisa support saya agar terus berkarya dan maintenance dengan klik link dibawah ini, mungkin kopi atau mie ayam boleh kok. berapapun saya ucapkan terimakasih
collabs atau info mainnya bisa email [email protected]
this code maintenace by me miyuki nagara