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Optimizing the CI pipeline of Business Central with Test Selection and Prioritization techniques

Accompanying repository for the thesis. It contains the code for the different stages described in the written report; namely: collection of CI job data, collection of coverage information, extracting change features and prioritizing training datasets, execution of training of the different ranking algorithms, scoring the validation dataset, and extraction of evaluation metrics.

It also contains other metainformation of the project.

The folder data is the workspace of the different stages executed in the project. The complete collected dataset of raw CI jobs and coverage jobs is too large to store, instead just excerpts of this folders are included. The data/evaluation dataset is included fully. The data/ranklib-datasets is included zipped. If you want to run and define your own data folders, set the environment variable $Env:MSC_DATA_PATH and follow the remaining instructions in this README.

Setting up

See env.dist.ps1 for an example of environment variables that should be defined prior to running the init.ps1 script. You can copy this file into a gitignored env.ps1 file for your configurations.


If you are not running anything related to the NAV repository (for example CI collection of jobs), you can use:

.\init.ps1 -SkipNAVEnlistment

The initialization script will provide a set of Cmdlets for the different stages of the project.

Project stages

Collecting CI data and line coverage

This stage should be run on a DevVM or on the CorpVPN.

Collecting CI Jobs data

To collect a specific job with id $JobId:

Get-TestResultsFromJobOutput -JobId $JobId

To collect all jobs in a given date range:

$StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1.5)
$EndTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-3)
Get-TestResultsForJobsInRange -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime

See examples of collected jobs in data/ci-history

Note: The script gets the contents of files changed by switching to the corresponding commit. So the branch corresponding to the job must exist, which may not be the case for old jobs (as old jobs may already be merged and had their source branch deleted). It's best to collect recent jobs

Collecting line coverage

Currently the remote branch in the NAV repository: private/t-dimartinez/msc-thesis has the required changes on the ALTestRunner to collect per codeunit coverage information for all tasks.

To collect line coverage information per codeunit at a given time it's first recommended to update all changes from master:

git checkout private/t-dimartinez/msc-thesis
git pull origin master
git push

Afterwards, schedule a DME job that runs all tests:

Submit-NavChangeSet -DisableIncremental

After the job is finished (around 80 minutes), run the following to collect per codeunit line coverage in the data folder:

Get-CoveragePerCodeunitForJob -JobId $JobId

Where $JobId is the scheduled job with modifications. See data/line-coverage for examples.

Transformations and additions to collected data

When collecting, some jobs can't be used for later stages. Use the following command to move them to other directories:


After information is collected, use:

Apply-Migrations -Dataset "ci-history"

This will add information on the collected data (where it hasn't been run before), for benefit of later stages. Currently it:

  • Adds TestRuns-Codeunit which has test information with less granularity.
  • Adds a property to jobmetadata.csv to determine whether or not this job failed on a test, whose result was collected.

Also run:

Apply-Migrations -Dataset "line-coverage"

To remove downloaded duplicates.

Generate Ranklib training and validation file

Currently this is done by running the TestPrioritizationAlgs solution in Visual Studio, and configuring the different features computed in Configuration.cs. It was meant for it to be a PS Cmdlet, but it's currently not a priority.

This stage generates a new folder with:

  • meta.xml: Information about how the files where computed (which jobs were considered, which features where used, method to assign priorities, among others).
  • full.dat: LETOR file format with all runs considered.
  • train.dat: Subset of full.dat to be used for training the ranking algorithms.
  • validation.dat: Subset of full.dat for validation of the ranking algorithms.
  • validation-metadata.dat: CSV-like file with information to identify each row on validation.dat and information to be used for evaluation.

Using the Release configuration, this stage takes around 1.5 hours (an i7(7th gen), non SSD) and 11GB of RAM.

See the dataset used for the project zipped in data/ranklib-datasets

Add information to the Ranklib dataset

Add information on each of the generated ranklib datasets:

Apply-Migrations -Dataset "ranklib-datasets"

Currently it:

  • Generates job scripts to be used for submitting the training job to the HPC

Train the ranker

Training is done on ITU's HPC. Be sure to use ITU's VPN.

To upload training data and submit training jobs to the HPC, for a specific dataset, you can use:

Train-RanklibDataset -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset

After the job on the HPC is done, you can use:

Download-TrainedModels -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset

To download the model files which can be used to rank the validation dataset.

This stage outputs model*.xml files for each ranklib dataset

Use the trained model to rank the validation set

Rank-ValidationDataset -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset

Ranks the validations datasets with the downloaded models.

This stage outputs score_*.dat files with the result of ranking the validation set.

Get evaluation metrics for the result

Given a ranklib-dataset with a score file, you can produce evaluation metrics with:

New-RankedValidationSetFiles -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset
New-EvaluationFiles -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset

The first command creates validation files with the ranking of the different models from the previous stage and metadata taken from validation-metadata. The second one uses this file to output evaluation metrics

Where $RanklibDataset is the desired ranklib dataset in this stage. To do it to every job for which this is applicable you can run:


This produces evaluation-*.csv files with the different Test Selection and Prioritization metrics.

See data/ranklib-datasets for examples.

Add-RanklibDatasetToEvaluationDataset -RanklibDataset $RanklibDataset

Moves evaluation files to the evaluation data folder, collecting distribution measures (mean, median, etc.)

To generate comparison between the different ranking configurations use:


See the output in data/evaluation/comparing-ranking-configurations

To generate plots, and other files to use the evaluation results, use:



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