My Live Site: Goodies
My Live Server Site: Goodies
My Server Site Code: Goodies
HOME, BLOGS, MY PORTFOLIO, SignOut and dark mode.
if you have logged in , your home page , blogs, dashboard, my portfolio , user's name and your picture will be displayed.
if you have a admin user logged in , your some route in show dashboard.
- My Website home section top position one banner. and four picture and some text here.
- where the user has been asked to provide the service.
- Where three samples of all products are shown.
- Where our website is about business.
- Where our website is about review.
- Where we have been told about the honesty and understanding of business.
- Where Something has been said about me.
- Where my profile add review, my order are shown for general user if admin then My Profile, Manage All Orders, Add A Product, Make Admin, Manage Products.
- some question answer
- 404 error is given in the note found component. If the user wants to go on a wrong road, he will be given an error. No, it will just sit in ambush in one place