I am a currently a computer science student at Rachel & Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, there I focus on theoritical parts of computer science, learnining new things about machine learning, artificial intelligence, applied data science, algorithms, data structures and more.
Seeking more knowledge in other fields I recently finished Practicum100 by Yandex Bootcamp as a Full Stack Web Developer using MERN stack. The curricullum provides a wide range of projects based on which includes a variety of Full-Stack development technologies such as: HTML5, CSS3, flexbox, grid layout, BEM, Media queries, transition, JavaScript/JSX, DOM, Debugging, Git/Github, Figma, Form validation, OOP, Webpack, NPM, React, React components, React Hooks, Node.js, Express.js, Database, MongoDB, Mongoose, API's, Google Cloud deployment and more.
In addition, I'm recently focusing on Cross-Platform Mobile Development using React Native & Flutter, playing around it's technologies while cloning essential functionalities of some famous mobile apps such as: Deliveroo, Uber, Tinder were I've used some of the most famous React/React-Native technologies, such as: RN-Navigation, RN-Animations, Lottie files, Redux, Yarn, tailwindCSS, Google API's such as: Places/Maps/Navigation and more. I also tried some course oriented apps such as MealsToGo, a mobile app for exploring restaurants around the world using: Google Places API for restaurants data, Sanity CMS to add new restaurants/meals/categories, React, React Hooks, Expo, React Navigation, Firebase, Styled-Components, React Animations.
- 💙 I'm a 3rd year Computer Science & Statistics student @ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- 🔭 I graduated from Practicum by Yandex online Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp focusing on MERN stack.
- 📱 Currently learning Mobile-Development using Flutter by hands-on experience.
- 🥅 2023 Goals: Keep learning, keep innovating.
- 🤔 Always looking to advance my career and for new challenges.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn.
- 😁 General fact: I speak 3 languages on daily basis: English, Arabic and Hebrew.