This is a Python process that queries a db every minute and runs SQL or Python if the job is scheduled to run for that minute. Jobs are created via the R2D4 web application by using the Scheduler tab. 'Email Attachment' jobs extract data to Excel and send via email. 'Python' jobs simply run a script and don't necessarily send email unless email sending is programmed in the respective script to be run.
Host: vsmsktdvbi1
Location: C:\DataLine\r2d4_scheduler
Database that stores scheduled jobs: PS23A:61692
Database Tables:
- dbo.SCHEDULER - is the main table that has job project code (i.e. IS15906)
- dbo.SCHEDULER_QUEUE - will temporarily hold any job that has a prerequisite (i.e. needs to wait for ETL) until it is valid to run it
- dbo.SCHEDULER_RUN_NOW - will temporarily hold any job that you want to run now (it will run at the next minute since the scheduler runs every minute)
- dbo.SCHEDULER_RECIPIENTS - networkids of people and PDLs who receive a particular job
- dbo.SCHEDULER_LOG - start and end time of previously run jobs and also RUN_NOTES (i.e. error messages if job failed)
- dbo.SCHEDULER_DELIVERY_TYPES - lookup table of types available for job (i.e. Email Attachment, Python Script)
- dbo.SCHEDULER_DAYS_OF_MONTH - table only needed if job should run on certain days of month (i.e. 1st and 15th) instead of days of week
- On the host vsmsktdvbi1, Windows scheduler runs C:\DataLine\r2d4_scheduler\ every minute
- On the host vsmsktdvbi1, Windows scheduler runs C:\DataLine\r2d4_scheduler\ once a week (every Wednesday at 4:30 pm) to remove extracted Excel files older than 14 days
- Suspend everything - either stop Windows scheduler on vsmsktdvbi1 or run SQL against the table dbo.SCHEDULER to set the [Enabled] field to 0
- Check if a job ran and how long it took - using R2D4 you can check the Scheduler tab -> Run Log section. Time is measured in seconds. The same data also exists in the dbo.SCHEDULER_LOG table in PS23A:61692