Get data from dbh api as r dataframe
In order to use code you need to install R and R studio and the following R packages rjson, jsonlite, httr, magrittr, stringr, tidyverse
Consists of three R scripts
DBH_api_tabell.R : allow us to send query to dbh api and get data as R dataframe or to get data from a bulk data from dbh api-stage
DBH_metadata.R: get metadata for each table
DBH_token.R : get token
It is necessary to run all R scripts. For token users it necessary to get token before start using function dbh_api_token(brukernavn, passord)
- Get R data frame from bulk data
- Get R data frame using query
dbh_tabell(902, filters=list("Årstall"=c("between", c("2016", "2019")), "Institusjonskode"=c("1120")))
- Metadata information
to get metadata you need to choose option meta=TRUE in function dbh_tabell
Author: Marija Ninic-norsk senter for forsknigsdata