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Hotel California - Restaurant / Catering App

This application is designed to enhance efficiency and user experience in a restaurant or hotel environment. It streamlines the ordering process, involving both service and kitchen staff. The application provides a user-friendly interface for customers and staff, ensuring that orders can be processed quickly and efficiently.

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  • Customer Ordering: Customers can select menu items and place orders via the web application or through the staff at the table.
  • Kitchen Interface: Kitchen staff can view orders, track their status, and mark dishes as prepared.
  • User Authentication: Users, such as service and kitchen staff, must log in to access specific interfaces tailored to their role.
  • Order Management: The system keeps detailed records of orders, including timestamps, status, and responsible personnel.
  • Anonymous Ordering: Customers can place orders without logging in.
  • Reports and Analytics: The application generates data and reports to help restaurant or hotel managers optimize operations.


To install and run the application, ensure the following software and configurations are present:


  • IntelliJ IDEA: For developing and running the backend (Spring Boot application).
  • Maven: For building and managing backend dependencies.
  • Java 21 SDK: Required to run the backend.
  • WebStorm (or another code editor): For developing and running the frontend (Vite application).
  • Node.js (version 18 or higher): For running the frontend and managing frontend dependencies.
  • PostgreSQL Server: Required for running the PostgreSQL database (you can install it locally or use a cloud-hosted database). Make sure the server is running and accessible for your application.
  • pgAdmin (optional): For visually managing the PostgreSQL database.

System Requirements

  • Memory: At least 16 GB of RAM for optimal performance when running both frontend and backend.
  • Operating System: The application is cross-platform and works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, provided the required software is installed.


Backend (Spring Boot)

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    git clone [email protected]:mjerta/hotel-california-backend.git
    cd hotel-california-backend

Frontend (REACT)

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    git clone [email protected]:mjerta/hotel-california-frontend.git
    cd hotel-california-frontend

Files and Configurations

.env File

The following .env files need to be in the root directory of the backend and frontend for the application to run successfully.

Note: Update default passwords and other sensitive information. The secret key should be replaced with a key that is at least 44 characters long.

.env - backend

  • APPLICATION_NAME=hotel-california-backend
  • POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
  • POSTGRES_DB=hotel_california_backend
  • USER_SUPERADMIN=superadmin
  • USER_MANAGER=manager
  • USER_STAFF=staff
  • USER_CHEF=chef
  • USER_CHEF=default
  • USER_REGULAR=regular
  • SECRET_KEY=ZT8kd3@LmZ4pXs96F!cVw%2GsR5+Ln#jDpYb9&vRk6WxJjT*HpZd

.env - frontend

If the backend is hosted on a different address, update the VITE_API_URL environment variable:

  • VITE_API_URL=http://localhost:8080

PostgreSQL Database

Create a PostgreSQL database with the name and credentials specified in the backend .env file (POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USERNAME, and POSTGRES_PASSWORD). If a different database name is used, update it in the .env file as well.


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