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qed hist_extend_put
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sanjit-bhat committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 2c16879 commit 588e45d
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Showing 4 changed files with 113 additions and 48 deletions.
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions src/Helpers/List.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,15 @@ Section list.
Notation list := (list A).
Implicit Types l : list.

(* TODO: upstream. *)
Lemma list_filter_singleton (P : A → Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} x :
(filter P [x] = [] ∧ ¬ P x) ∨ (filter P [x] = [x] ∧ P x).
destruct (decide $ P x).
- right. split; [|done]. rewrite filter_cons_True; [naive_solver|done].
- left. split; [|done]. rewrite filter_cons_False; [naive_solver|done].

Lemma list_filter_iff_strong (P1 P2 : A → Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P1 x), !∀ x, Decision (P2 x)} l :
(∀ i x, l !! i = Some x → (P1 x ↔ P2 x)) →
Expand All @@ -23,7 +31,6 @@ Section list.
- rewrite !filter_cons_False; [by naive_solver..|]. by rewrite IH.

(* TODO: upstream. *)
Lemma list_filter_all (P : A → Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} l :
(∀ i x, l !! i = Some x → P x) →
Expand All @@ -35,10 +42,12 @@ Section list.
rewrite filter_cons_True; [done|]. by rewrite IH.

(* TODO: upstream. *)
Lemma lookup_snoc l x :
(l ++ [x]) !! (length l) = Some x.
Proof. by opose proof (proj2 (lookup_snoc_Some _ _ (length l) x) _) as ?; [naive_solver|]. Qed.
opose proof (proj2 (lookup_snoc_Some _ _ (length l) x) _) as ?;

Lemma list_singleton_exists l :
length l = 1 →
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/program_proof/pav/client.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ Definition is_my_key cli_γ uid ver ep pk : iProp Σ :=
∃ dig sm_γ comm label0 label1,
"#Hsubmap" ∷ mono_list_idx_own cli_γ (uint.nat ep) (Some (dig, sm_γ)) ∗
"#Hcomm" ∷ is_comm pk comm ∗
"#Hlatest" ∷ (uid, ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ (Some (ep, comm)) ∗
"#Hin_map_lat" ∷ (uid, ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ (Some (ep, comm)) ∗
"#His_label0" ∷ is_vrf uid ver label0 ∗
"#Hbound" ∷ (uid, word.add (W64 1) ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#Hnin_map_next" ∷ (uid, word.add (W64 1) ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#His_label1" ∷ is_vrf uid (word.add (W64 1) ver) label1.

Lemma wp_Client__Put ptr_c c sl_pk d0 (pk : list w8) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Proof. Admitted.
Definition is_my_bound cli_γ uid ver (ep : w64) : iProp Σ :=
∃ dig sm_γ label,
"#Hsubmap" ∷ mono_list_idx_own cli_γ (uint.nat ep) (Some (dig, sm_γ)) ∗
"#Hbound" ∷ (uid, ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#Hnin_map_next" ∷ (uid, ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid ver label.

Lemma wp_Client__SelfMon ptr_c c :
Expand All @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Proof. Admitted.
Definition is_no_other_key cli_γ uid (ep : epoch_ty) : iProp Σ :=
∃ dig sm_γ label,
"#Hsubmap" ∷ mono_list_idx_own cli_γ (uint.nat ep) (Some (dig, sm_γ)) ∗
"#Hbound" ∷ (uid, W64 0) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#Hnin_map" ∷ (uid, W64 0) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 0) label.

Definition is_other_key cli_γ uid (ep : epoch_ty) pk : iProp Σ :=
Expand All @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Definition is_other_key cli_γ uid (ep : epoch_ty) pk : iProp Σ :=
"#Hcomm" ∷ is_comm pk comm0 ∗
"#Hlatest" ∷ (uid, ver) ↪[sm_γ]□ (Some (ep0, comm0)) ∗
"#His_label0" ∷ is_vrf uid ver label0 ∗
"#Hbound" ∷ (uid, (word.add ver (W64 1))) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#Hnin_map_next" ∷ (uid, (word.add ver (W64 1))) ↪[sm_γ]□ None ∗
"#His_label1" ∷ is_vrf uid (word.add ver (W64 1)) label1.

Lemma wp_Client__Get ptr_c c uid :
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/program_proof/pav/core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Proof.
iDestruct (mono_list_idx_agree with "Hmap0 Hmap1") as %->. iClear "Hmap0 Hmap1".
iDestruct (msv_core_agree _ _ vals vals0 with "[$Hmsv_core0 $Hmsv_core1]") as %->.
destruct lat0 as [[??]|], lat1 as [[??]|], (last vals0) as [[??]|]; [|done..].
iNamedSuffix "Hcomm_reln0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hcomm_reln1" "1".
iNamedSuffix "Hpk_comm_reln0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hpk_comm_reln1" "1".
iDestruct (is_comm_inj with "His_comm0 His_comm1") as %->. naive_solver.

Expand Down
132 changes: 94 additions & 38 deletions src/program_proof/pav/history.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Section hist.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !pavG Σ}.

(* TODO: add inv that says every key in cli submap will have a vrf. *)
Definition know_hist_val_cliG cli_γ (uid ep : w64) (hist : list map_val_ty) (valid : w64) : iProp Σ :=
Definition is_hist_ep cli_γ (uid ep : w64) (hist : list map_val_ty) (valid : w64) : iProp Σ :=
∃ (vals : list opaque_map_val_ty),
"#Hpk_comm_reln" ∷
([∗ list] pk_val;comm_val ∈ filter (λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep) hist;vals,
Expand All @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Definition know_hist_val_cliG cli_γ (uid ep : w64) (hist : list map_val_ty) (va
"%Hgt_bound" ∷ ⌜ uint.Z ep < uint.Z bound ⌝ ∗
"#Hin_bound" ∷ (uid, W64 $ length vals) ↪[m_γ]□ Some (bound, comm)))).

Definition know_hist_cliG cli_γ (uid : w64) (hist : list map_val_ty) (valid : w64) : iProp Σ :=
Definition is_hist cli_γ (uid : w64) (hist : list map_val_ty) (valid : w64) : iProp Σ :=
"%Hhist_valid" ∷ ([∗ list] x ∈ hist, ⌜ uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z valid ⌝) ∗
"#Hknow_vals" ∷ (∀ (ep : w64), ⌜ uint.Z ep ≤ uint.Z valid ⌝ -∗
know_hist_val_cliG cli_γ uid ep hist valid).
"#Hknow_eps" ∷ (∀ (ep : w64), ⌜ uint.Z ep ≤ uint.Z valid ⌝ -∗
is_hist_ep cli_γ uid ep hist valid).

End hist.

Expand All @@ -47,33 +47,33 @@ Context `{!heapGS Σ, !pavG Σ}.

Lemma hist_val_extend_valid γ uid ep hist valid new_valid :
uint.Z valid ≤ uint.Z new_valid →
know_hist_val_cliG γ uid ep hist valid -∗
know_hist_val_cliG γ uid ep hist new_valid.
is_hist_ep γ uid ep hist valid -∗
is_hist_ep γ uid ep hist new_valid.
intros ?. iNamed 1. iNamed "Hbound". iExists vals. iFrame "#".
iDestruct "Hbound" as "[Hbound|Hbound]"; iNamed "Hbound"; iPureIntro; word.
iDestruct "Hbound" as "[H|H]"; iNamed "H"; iPureIntro; word.

Lemma hist_extend_selfmon cli_γ uid hist valid new_valid :
uint.Z valid ≤ uint.Z new_valid →
("#Hknow_hist" ∷ know_hist_cliG cli_γ uid hist valid ∗
("#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid hist valid ∗
"#His_bound" ∷ is_my_bound cli_γ uid (W64 $ length hist) new_valid) -∗
"#Hknow_hist" ∷ know_hist_cliG cli_γ uid hist new_valid.
"#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid hist new_valid.
intros ?. iNamed 1. iNamed "Hknow_hist". iSplit.
intros ?. iNamed 1. iNamed "His_hist". iSplit.
{ iApply big_sepL_forall. iPureIntro. simpl. intros * Hlook.
specialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). word. }
iIntros (ep ?). destruct (decide (uint.Z ep ≤ uint.Z valid)).
{ iSpecialize ("Hknow_vals" $! ep with "[]"). { iPureIntro. word. }
iApply (hist_val_extend_valid with "Hknow_vals"). word. }
iSpecialize ("Hknow_vals" $! valid with "[]"). { iPureIntro. lia. }
iNamed "Hknow_vals". iExists vals. iSplit; [|iSplit].
(* case 1: ep ≤ valid. *)
{ iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! ep with "[]"). { iPureIntro. word. }
iApply (hist_val_extend_valid with "Hknow_eps"). word. }
(* case 2: valid < ep ≤ new_valid. *)
iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! valid with "[]"). { iPureIntro. lia. }
iNamed "Hknow_eps". iExists vals. iSplit; [|iSplit].
- rewrite (list_filter_iff_strong
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep)
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z valid) hist); last first.
{ intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook).
naive_solver word. }
iFrame "#".
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z valid) hist); [iFrame "#"|].
intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). naive_solver word.
- iFrame "#".
- iClear "Hhist Hbound".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hpk_comm_reln") as %Hlen_vals.
Expand All @@ -82,21 +82,77 @@ Proof.
iNamed "His_bound". rewrite Hlen_vals. by iFrame "#%".

Lemma hist_extend_put cli_γ uid hist valid new_valid pk :
uint.Z valid < uint.Z new_valid →
("#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid hist valid ∗
"#His_my_key" ∷ is_my_key cli_γ uid (W64 $ length hist) new_valid pk) -∗
"#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid (hist ++ [(new_valid, pk)]) new_valid.
intros ?. iNamed 1. iNamed "His_hist". iSplit.
{ iApply big_sepL_forall. iPureIntro. simpl. intros * Hlook.
apply lookup_app_Some in Hlook as [Hlook|[_ Hlook]].
- specialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). word.
- apply list_lookup_singleton_Some in Hlook as [_ ?]. by simplify_eq/=. }
iIntros (ep ?). destruct (decide (uint.Z ep < uint.Z new_valid)).
- iEval (rewrite /is_hist_ep). rewrite filter_app.
opose proof (list_filter_singleton (λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep)
(new_valid, pk)) as [[->_]|[_?]]. 2: { exfalso. simpl in *. word. }
list_simplifier. destruct (decide (uint.Z ep ≤ uint.Z valid)).
(* case 1: ep ≤ valid. *)
+ iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! ep with "[]"). { iPureIntro. word. }
iNamed "Hknow_eps". iExists (vals). iNamed "Hbound". iFrame "#".
iDestruct "Hbound" as "[H|H]"; iNamed "H"; iPureIntro; word.
(* case 2: valid < ep < new_valid. *)
+ iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! valid with "[//]").
iNamed "Hknow_eps". iExists (vals). iFrame "#". iSplit.
* rewrite (list_filter_iff_strong
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep)
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z valid) hist); [iFrame "#"|].
intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). naive_solver word.
* iNamed "His_my_key". iFrame "#".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hpk_comm_reln") as %Hlen_vals.
rewrite list_filter_all in Hlen_vals; last first.
{ intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook).
simpl in *. word. }
rewrite Hlen_vals. iFrame "#". iSplit; [done|]. iRight. iPureIntro. word.
(* case 3: ep = new_valid. *)
- iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! valid with "[//]").
iNamed "Hknow_eps". iNamed "His_my_key".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hpk_comm_reln") as %Hlen_vals.
iExists (vals ++ [(new_valid, comm)]).
rewrite list_filter_all in Hlen_vals; last first.
{ intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). simpl in *. word. }
rewrite Hlen_vals. iSplit; [|iSplit].
+ rewrite filter_app.
opose proof (list_filter_singleton (λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep)
(new_valid, pk)) as [[_?]|[->_]]. { exfalso. simpl in *. word. }
iApply big_sepL2_snoc. iSplit.
* rewrite (list_filter_iff_strong
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep)
(λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z valid) hist); [iFrame "#"|].
intros ?[??] Hlook. ospecialize (Hhist_valid _ _ Hlook). naive_solver word.
* simpl in *. by iFrame "#".
+ iApply big_sepL_snoc. iFrame "#".
+ rewrite length_app. simpl.
replace (W64 (length vals + 1)%nat) with (word.add (W64 1) (W64 $ length vals)) by word.
iFrame "#". iSplit; [done|]. iLeft. iPureIntro. word.

Definition get_lat (hist : list map_val_ty) (ep : w64) : lat_val_ty :=
last $ filter (λ x, uint.Z x.1 ≤ uint.Z ep) hist.

Lemma hist_audit_msv cli_γ uid hist valid adtr_γ aud_ep (ep : w64) :
uint.Z ep ≤ uint.Z valid →
uint.Z valid < uint.Z aud_ep →
("#Hknow_hist" ∷ know_hist_cliG cli_γ uid hist valid ∗
("#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid hist valid ∗
"#His_audit" ∷ is_audit cli_γ adtr_γ aud_ep) -∗
"#Hmsv" ∷ msv adtr_γ ep uid (get_lat hist ep).
intros ??. iNamed 1.
iNamed "Hknow_hist". iSpecialize ("Hknow_vals" $! ep with "[//]").
iNamed "His_hist". iSpecialize ("Hknow_eps" $! ep with "[//]").
iNamed "His_audit". list_elem ms (uint.nat ep) as m.
iDestruct (mono_list_idx_own_get _ _ Hm_lookup with "Hadtr_maps") as "Hadtr_map".
iFrame "Hadtr_map". iNamed "Hknow_vals". iExists vals. iSplit.
iFrame "Hadtr_map". iNamed "Hknow_eps". iExists vals. iSplit.
{ iClear "Hhist Hbound".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hpk_comm_reln") as %Hlen_vals.
destruct (get_lat hist ep) as [[??]|] eqn:Hlat_pk, (last vals) as [[??]|]
Expand All @@ -107,7 +163,9 @@ Proof.
iFrame "#".
+ apply lookup_lt_Some in Hlat_pk. apply lookup_ge_None in Hlat_comm. lia.
+ apply lookup_ge_None in Hlat_pk. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hlat_comm. lia. }
iNamedSuffix "Hbound" "_bnd". iFrame "#". iSplit.
iNamedSuffix "Hbound" "_bnd". iFrame "#".
list_elem ms (uint.nat bound) as mbound.
iSplit; [|iClear "Hhist"; iDestruct "Hbound" as "[H|H]"; iNamed "H"].
- iClear "Hbound". iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hhist").
iIntros (?[prior ?]) "!> %Hlook_vals". iNamed 1. iFrame "#".
(* tedious: need prior ep < adtr_bound to get prior adtr map for map transf.
Expand All @@ -122,21 +180,19 @@ Proof.
iNamed "H". iPureIntro.
opose proof ((proj1 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ Hmprior_lookup Hm_lookup _); [word|].
by eapply lookup_weaken.
- iClear "Hhist". list_elem ms (uint.nat bound) as mbound.
iDestruct "Hbound" as "[Hbound|Hbound]"; iNamed "Hbound".
+ iSpecialize ("Hmap_transf" with "[$Hsubmap_bnd $Hin_bound $His_label_bnd]").
{ iPureIntro. exact Hmbound_lookup. }
iNamed "Hmap_transf". iPureIntro.
opose proof ((proj1 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hmbound_lookup _); [word|].
by eapply lookup_weaken_None.
+ iSpecialize ("Hmap_transf" with "[$Hsubmap_bnd $Hin_bound $His_label_bnd]").
{ iPureIntro. exact Hmbound_lookup. }
iNamed "Hmap_transf". iPureIntro.
destruct (decide $ is_Some $ m !! label) as [[? Hlook_mkey]|]; last first.
{ by eapply eq_None_not_Some. }
opose proof ((proj1 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hmbound_lookup _); [word|].
opose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ Hlook_mkey _); [done|]. simplify_eq/=.
opose proof ((proj2 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hlook_mkey) as ?. word.
- iSpecialize ("Hmap_transf" with "[$Hsubmap_bnd $Hin_bound $His_label_bnd]").
{ iPureIntro. exact Hmbound_lookup. }
iNamed "Hmap_transf". iPureIntro.
opose proof ((proj1 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hmbound_lookup _); [word|].
by eapply lookup_weaken_None.
- iSpecialize ("Hmap_transf" with "[$Hsubmap_bnd $Hin_bound $His_label_bnd]").
{ iPureIntro. exact Hmbound_lookup. }
iNamed "Hmap_transf". iPureIntro.
destruct (decide $ is_Some $ m !! label) as [[? Hlook_mkey]|]; last first.
{ by eapply eq_None_not_Some. }
opose proof ((proj1 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hmbound_lookup _); [word|].
opose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ Hlook_mkey _); [done|]. simplify_eq/=.
opose proof ((proj2 Hinv_adtr) _ _ _ _ _ Hm_lookup Hlook_mkey) as ?. word.

End hist_derived.
Expand All @@ -154,7 +210,7 @@ Definition own_hist cli_γ uid sl_hist hist valid : iProp Σ :=
∃ dim0_hist,
"Hsl_hist" ∷ own_slice sl_hist ptrT (DfracOwn 1) dim0_hist ∗
"Hdim0_hist" ∷ ([∗ list] p;o ∈ dim0_hist;hist, own_HistEntry p o) ∗
"#Hknow_hist" ∷ know_hist_cliG cli_γ uid hist valid.
"#His_hist" ∷ is_hist cli_γ uid hist valid.

Lemma wp_put_hist cli_γ uid sl_hist hist ptr_e e :
match last hist with
Expand Down

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