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make only latest val visible in msv. leads to more simple proofs, and…
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sanjit-bhat committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent 40342dc commit 53b508f
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 97 deletions.
200 changes: 103 additions & 97 deletions src/program_proof/pav/core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import grove_prelude.
From Perennial.program_proof.pav Require Import serde.

From Perennial.base_logic.lib Require Import ghost_map.
From iris.unstable.base_logic Require Import mono_list.

From RecordUpdate Require Export RecordSet.
From Perennial.base_logic.lib Require Export ghost_map.
From iris.unstable.base_logic Require Export mono_list.
Expand All @@ -32,6 +27,7 @@ Notation merkle_map_ty := (gmap (list w8) (list w8)) (only parsing).
Notation map_adtr_ty := (gmap opaque_label_ty (epoch_ty * comm_ty)) (only parsing).
Notation cli_map_val_ty := (option (epoch_ty * comm_ty))%type (only parsing).
Notation cli_map_ty := (gmap map_label_ty cli_map_val_ty) (only parsing).
Notation lat_val_ty := (option (fake_ver_ty * fake_map_val_ty)) (only parsing).

Section misc.
Class pavG Σ :=
Expand All @@ -42,37 +38,35 @@ Class pavG Σ :=
End misc.

Section msv.
Section msv_core.

(* maximum sequence of versions. *)

Definition msv_aux (m : fake_map_ty) uid vals :=
(* TODO: change to know elem exists there. *)
(∀ i, i < length vals → m !! (uid, i) = vals !! i).
Definition msv_core_aux (m : fake_map_ty) uid (vals : list fake_map_val_ty) :=
(∀ ver val, vals !! ver = Some val → m !! (uid, ver) = Some val).

Definition msv m uid vals :=
msv_aux m uid vals ∧
Definition msv_core m uid vals :=
msv_core_aux m uid vals ∧
m !! (uid, (length vals)) = None.

(* TODO: upstream. *)
Lemma lookup_snoc {A} (l : list A) (x : A) :
(l ++ [x]) !! (length l) = Some x.
Proof. by opose proof (proj2 (lookup_snoc_Some x l (length l) x) _) as H; [naive_solver|]. Qed.

Lemma msv_aux_snoc {m uid l x} :
msv_aux m uid (l ++ [x]) →
msv_aux m uid l ∧ m !! (uid, length l) = Some x.
Lemma msv_core_aux_snoc {m uid l x} :
msv_core_aux m uid (l ++ [x]) →
msv_core_aux m uid l ∧ m !! (uid, length l) = Some x.
intros HM. split.
- intros i ?. ospecialize (HM i _). { rewrite length_app/=. lia. }
by rewrite lookup_app_l in HM; [|lia].
- ospecialize (HM (length l) _). { rewrite length_app/=. lia. }
by rewrite lookup_snoc in HM.
- intros ?? Hlook. ospecialize (HM _ _ _); [|done].
rewrite lookup_app_l; [exact Hlook|by eapply lookup_lt_Some].
- ospecialize (HM (length l) _ _); [apply lookup_snoc|done].

Lemma msv_aux_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv_aux m uid vals0 →
msv_aux m uid vals1 →
Lemma msv_core_aux_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv_core_aux m uid vals0 →
msv_core_aux m uid vals1 →
length vals0 = length vals1 →
vals0 = vals1.
Expand All @@ -82,44 +76,65 @@ Proof.
- rewrite length_app/=. lia.
- rewrite length_app/=. lia.
- rewrite !length_app/=. intros H0 H1 ?.
apply msv_aux_snoc in H0 as [H0 Hx0]. apply msv_aux_snoc in H1 as [H1 Hx1].
apply msv_core_aux_snoc in H0 as [H0 Hx0]. apply msv_core_aux_snoc in H1 as [H1 Hx1].
assert (length l0 = length l1) as HT by lia. rewrite HT in Hx0. clear HT.
simplify_map_eq/=. ospecialize (IH l1 _ _ _); [done..|lia|]. naive_solver.

Lemma msv_len_agree_aux {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv m uid vals0 →
msv m uid vals1 →
Lemma msv_core_len_agree_aux {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv_core m uid vals0 →
msv_core m uid vals1 →
length vals0 < length vals1 →
intros HM0 HM1 ?. destruct HM0 as [_ HM0]. destruct HM1 as [HM1 _].
ospecialize (HM1 (length vals0) _); [lia|].
opose proof (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 vals1 (length vals0) _) as [? Hsome]; [lia|].
rewrite Hsome in HM1. naive_solver.
intros HM0 HM1 ?. destruct HM0 as [_ HM0], HM1 as [HM1 _].
list_elem vals1 (length vals0) as val.
ospecialize (HM1 _ _ _); [exact Hval_lookup|naive_solver].

Lemma msv_len_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv m uid vals0 →
msv m uid vals1 →
Lemma msv_core_len_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv_core m uid vals0 →
msv_core m uid vals1 →
length vals0 = length vals1.
intros ??.
intros Hcore0 Hcore1.
destruct (decide (length vals0 = length vals1)) as [?|?]; [done|].
exfalso. destruct (decide (length vals0 < length vals1)) as [?|?].
- eapply (msv_len_agree_aux (vals0:=vals0) (vals1:=vals1)); [done..|lia].
- eapply (msv_len_agree_aux (vals0:=vals1) (vals1:=vals0)); [done..|lia].
- eapply (msv_core_len_agree_aux Hcore0 Hcore1); [done..|lia].
- eapply (msv_core_len_agree_aux Hcore1 Hcore0); [done..|lia].

Lemma msv_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv m uid vals0 →
msv m uid vals1 →
Lemma msv_core_agree {m uid vals0 vals1} :
msv_core m uid vals0 →
msv_core m uid vals1 →
vals0 = vals1.
intros HM0 HM1. eapply msv_aux_agree.
intros HM0 HM1. eapply msv_core_aux_agree.
- by destruct HM0 as [? _].
- by destruct HM1 as [? _].
- by eapply msv_len_agree.
- by eapply msv_core_len_agree.

End msv_core.

Section msv.

(* msv hides all but the latest val.
a None val corresponds to an unregistered val. *)
Definition msv (m : fake_map_ty) uid (lat : lat_val_ty) :=
let len_vals := match lat with None => 0 | Some (ver, val) => S ver end in
∃ vals, length vals = len_vals ∧ last vals = snd <$> lat ∧
msv_core m uid vals.

Lemma msv_agree {m uid val0 val1} :
msv m uid val0 →
msv m uid val1 →
val0 = val1.
intros HM0 HM1.
destruct HM0 as (?&Hlen0&?&HM0). destruct HM1 as (?&Hlen1&?&HM1).
pose proof (msv_core_agree HM0 HM1) as ->. rewrite Hlen0 in Hlen1.
destruct val0 as [[??]|], val1 as [[??]|]; naive_solver.

End msv.
Expand All @@ -128,6 +143,53 @@ Section hist_msv.

(* history and its interaction with msv. *)

(* TODO: took out adtr epoch check. do i still need it? *)
Definition adtr_inv' (ms : list fake_map_ty) :=
∀ i j mi mj,
ms !! i = Some mi →
ms !! j = Some mj →
i ≤ j →
mi ⊆ mj.

Definition know_hist_val (ms : list fake_map_ty) (uid : w64) (ep : nat) (lat : lat_val_ty) :=
let len_vals := match lat with None => 0 | Some (ver, val) => S ver end in
(* TODO: this is one way to write it. consolidates cases.
let's see how easy it is to prove with the physical hist. *)
∃ vals, length vals = len_vals ∧ last vals = snd <$> lat ∧
(* vals exist in prior maps. *)
(∀ ver val, vals !! ver = Some val →
(∃ prior m, prior ≤ ep ∧ ms !! prior = Some m ∧ m !! (uid, ver) = Some val)) ∧
(* next ver doesn't exist in some future map. *)
(∃ bound m, bound ≥ ep ∧ ms !! bound = Some m ∧ m !! (uid, length vals) = None).

Definition know_hist (ms : list fake_map_ty) (uid : w64) (hist : list lat_val_ty) :=
(∀ ep lat, hist !! ep = Some lat → know_hist_val ms uid ep lat).

(* hist_msv says that for every latest val in the hist,
we can derive an msv for it. *)
Lemma hist_msv ms uid hist ep m lat :
adtr_inv' ms →
know_hist ms uid hist →
hist !! ep = Some lat →
ms !! ep = Some m →
msv m uid lat.
intros Hadtr Hhist Hlook_entry Hlook_m.
specialize (Hhist _ _ Hlook_entry) as (vals&?&?&Hhist&Hbound).
exists vals. split_and?; [done..|split].
- intros ?? Hlook_ver.
specialize (Hhist _ _ Hlook_ver) as (?&?&?&?Hlook_prior&?).
opose proof (Hadtr _ _ _ _ Hlook_prior Hlook_m _); [lia|].
by eapply lookup_weaken.
- destruct Hbound as (?&?&?&Hlook_bound&?).
opose proof (Hadtr _ _ _ _ Hlook_m Hlook_bound _); [lia|].
by eapply lookup_weaken_None.

End hist_msv.

Section proper_adtr_inv.

Definition lower_adtr (m : map_adtr_ty) : merkle_map_ty :=
(λ v, MapValPre.encodesF ( v.1 v.2)) <$> m.

Expand All @@ -150,60 +212,4 @@ Definition maps_epoch_ok (ms : list map_adtr_ty) :=

Definition adtr_inv ms := maps_mono (lower_adtr <$> ms) ∧ maps_epoch_ok ms.

(* tmp duplicate adtr invs that use the same map type as below. *)
Definition maps_mono' (ms : list fake_map_ty) :=
∀ i j mi mj,
ms !! i = Some mi →
ms !! j = Some mj →
i ≤ j →
mi ⊆ mj.

Definition maps_epoch_ok' (ms : list fake_map_ty) :=
∃ ep m_ep uid ver ep' val,
ms !! ep = Some m_ep →
m_ep !! (uid, ver) = Some (ep', val) →
ep' ≤ ep.

Definition adtr_inv' ms := maps_mono' ms ∧ maps_epoch_ok' ms.

Record hist_entry_ty :=
mk_hist_entry {
(* TODO: make msv only talk about latest val at some version.
this seems to more naturally capture what people care abt with KT.
and it'd allow us to only make visible the latest val and version here.
do this by proving new msv on top of old one. *)
vals: list (nat * list w8);

Definition know_entry (uid : w64) (ep : nat) (entry : hist_entry_ty) (ms : list fake_map_ty) :=
(* vals exist in prior maps. *)
(∀ ver val, entry.(vals) !! ver = Some val →
(∃ prior m, prior ≤ ep ∧ ms !! prior = Some m ∧ m !! (uid, ver) = Some val)) ∧
(* next ver doesn't exist in some future map. *)
(∃ bound m, bound ≥ ep ∧ ms !! bound = Some m ∧ m !! (uid, length entry.(vals)) = None).

Definition know_hist (uid : w64) (hist : list hist_entry_ty) (ms : list fake_map_ty) :=
(∀ ep entry, hist !! ep = Some entry → know_entry uid ep entry ms).

Lemma hist_msv ms uid hist ep m entry :
adtr_inv' ms →
know_hist uid hist ms →
hist !! ep = Some entry →
ms !! ep = Some m →
msv m uid entry.(vals).
intros Hadtr Hhist Hlook_entry Hlook_m. split.
- intros ver Hlook_ver.
specialize (Hhist _ _ Hlook_entry) as [Hhist _].
list_elem entry.(vals) ver as val.
specialize (Hhist _ _ Hval_lookup) as (?&?&?&Hlook_prior&Hlook_mprior).
opose proof ((proj1 Hadtr) _ _ _ _ Hlook_prior Hlook_m _); [lia|].
rewrite Hval_lookup.
by eapply lookup_weaken.
- specialize (Hhist _ _ Hlook_entry).
destruct Hhist as [_ (bound&mbound&Hlt_bound&Hlook_bound&Hlook_mbound)].
opose proof ((proj1 Hadtr) _ _ _ _ Hlook_m Hlook_bound _); [lia|].
by eapply lookup_weaken_None.

End hist_msv.
End proper_adtr_inv.

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