This code base evolves from the React tutorial.
- Chat app for concurrency
- Upload a file to server. Take pdf and parse pdf and present it back to browser.
- Backend to support multiple data layers: in-mem DB, SQL..
- Use JSHint to static analysis on JS code to catch bugs early.
- Backend to support paging
- Autoscrolling
- Animation
- Data visualization/analytics
- Make a website responsive and fun to interact with
- CSS for better looking sites
- Typescript+React+Webpack
- Phabricator for task/project management
webpack public/index.js (or: webpack -w)
mv bundle.js public/
python (or: go run server.go)
dal$ go generate dal$ go test (or go -v test)
There are several simple server implementations included. They all serve static files from public/
and handle requests to /api/comments
to fetch or add data. Start a server with one of the following:
npm install
npm start
npm install
node server.js
pip install -r requirements.txt
ruby server.rb
php server.php
go run server.go
cpan Mojolicious
And visit http://localhost:3000/. Try opening multiple tabs!
PORT=3001 node server.js