Hi! 👋 I'm Miguel Beltran, a Freelance dev specialized in mobile app development: Flutter, Android, iOS, and Firebase products.
I'm always interested in work opportunities that involve open-source code.
Become a sponsor and help me do open-source!
- flutter95: Creator and maintainer.
- plus_plugins: Maintainer team.
- raygun4flutter: Flutter client for Raygun.
- raygun4node: Node.js client for Raygun.
- @raygun.io/aws-lambda: AWS Lambda plugin for Raygun4Node.
- flutter/samples: Maintenance and creation of code samples
- flutter/codelabs: Maintenance and creation of codelabs
- flutter/website: Maintenance and creation of Flutter documentation.
- dart-lang/site-www: Maintenance and creation of Dart documentation.
- Website: https://beltran.work
- Email: [email protected]