my custom XTerm configurations
copy .Xresources file you want to use in your home/$user directory (name should be ".Xresources" so delete any naming ".xxxx" in ".Xresources.xxxx") and run "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources" to merge.
DOS font "Perfect DOS VGA 437" can be downloaded from >
Ubuntu fonts can be downloaded from >
Windows Powershell default font: Consolas
Windows Terminal default font: Cascadia Code
VSCode default font: Droid Sans Mono
default (256color):
Ubuntu (256color):
DOS (256color):
VS Code (256color):
Windows Terminal (256color):
Windows Powershell (256color):
Monochrome White (black on white - 16color):
Monochrome Black (white on black - 16color):
Blueprint (16color):
Green Phosphor (16color):
Amber Phosphor (16color):
Solarized Dark (16color):
Solarized Light (16color):