[YouTube demo] | [About project]
Secured screen sharing system created with low-level Socket API written in Java SE 1.8 with JCA, JCE and Swing UI. Uses event-based reactive programming with observer pattern supplied by RxJava library.
App supports HD resolution, so each frame is split into smaller chunks due to the maximum UDP frame size (65kb). I decided to create simple error correction system, because UDP protocol can loose the packets which caused visible artifacts in result video stream.
If the image fragments were not transmitted in the correct order, frame is not displayed in the user interface. Solves the problem of displaying artifacts in the image.
To install the program on your computer, use the command below (or use the build-in GIT system in your IDE environment):
$ git clone https://github.com/milosz08/screen-sharing-system
- Firstly, clean output
directory via:
$ ./mvnw clean # for UNIX
.\mvnw.cmd clean # for Windows
- Build and install shared library via:
$ ./mvnw package install -pl lib # for UNIX
.\mvnw.cmd package install -pl lib # for Windows
- Create executable JAR file for modules:
$ ./mvnw package -pl <module> # for UNIX
.\mvnw.cmd package -pl <module> # for Windows
where <module>
is client
or host
- Optionally, build all modules via:
$ ./mvnw package -pl client,host # for UNIX
.\mvnw.cmd package -pl client,host # for Windows
All executable JAR files will be available in .bin
- To run host or client, type:
$ java -Xms<memory> -Xmx<memory> -jar <module>.jar
: ex. 512m or 2g<module>
: ex. client or host
- Java SE 1.8,
- JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture),
- JCE (Java Cryptography Extension),
- Swing UI, AWT,
- RxJava (reactive pattern),
- Imgscalr (image processing),
- Apache Commons Lang, IO (utilities),
- Logback with Slf4j api,
- JFreeChart (data transfer linear plot),
- Bcrypt (password hashing),
- Lombok (accessor annotations),
- Jackson (json processing).
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.