WinMnt is a command-line interface utility that allows the mounting of image files on Windows via REST API.
- Supported disk files: VHD(X), VMDK, RAW, WIM, XVA
- Supported filesystems: FAT, NTFS, EXT, HFS, SquashFS, XFS, ISO9660, UDF
This project is based on the following open-source libraries:
ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime or .NET SDK 8.0
Dokany (
- Run the binary with the desired parameters (by default it listens on
) - Mount a disk via the REST API, for example with Powershell
# Helper functions
function WinMnt-Request($method, $endpoint, $body) {
$uri = "http://localhost:5000/api" + $endpoint
$header = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
if ((!($body -is [string])) -and ($body -ne $null)) {
$body = "'" + ($body | ConvertTo-Json) + "'"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $method -Body $body -Headers $header
function WinMnt-IsOnline {
try {
WinMnt-Request "GET" "/status" $null | Out-Null
return $true
} catch {
return $false
# Test connection
if (!(WinMnt-IsOnline)) {
Write-Host "WinMnt is not yet ready!"
Exit 1
# Load an image
$r = WinMnt-Request "POST" "/image" @{
FilePath = "Z:\\Disk.vmdk"
$id = $
# Get information about the partitions
$info = WinMnt-Request "GET" "/image/$id/info" $null
$info | fl *
# Mount all the volumes (to mount a specific volume set the index)
$r = WinMnt-Request "POST" "/image/$id/mount" @{
VolumeIndex = -1
ShowMetaFiles = $true
ReadOnly = $true
# Show mounted volumes
$r = WinMnt-Request "GET" "/image/$id/mount" $null
$r | fl *
# Wait for user input
[System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null
# Unmount volumes (to unmount all, use index -1)
$r = WinMnt-Request "POST" "/image/$id/unmount" @{
VolumeIndex = -1
# Graceful shutdown
$r = WinMnt-Request "POST" "/service" @{
Shutdown = $true
MIT License