This is the example project used for the Mike.Works SQL Fundamentals and Professional SQL courses.
We'll be working with several flavors of the Northwind Database, which Microsoft uses to demonstrate a wide range of features across their MS Access and MS SQL Server product lines. You'll be writing some application code in a small Node.js web application (built with Express) to view and make changes to this data.
Here's what it looks like (and here is a live demo):
This app is not in a good state at the beginning of the workshop. Features are missing, there are major performances, and quite a few database-related bugs. We'll fix all these problems and learn as we go!
In your terminal, run
git clone sql
cd sql
This project is used for two workshops. SQL Fundamentals may be completed using either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL, and Professional SQL requires either MySQL or PostgreSQL.
To set up the database software, please check out these guides
If you only intend to complete the SQL Fundamentals workshop (exercises 1-10), and wish to ONLY use SQLite, you can run
npm install --no-optional
If you wish to use MySQL or PostgreSQL, or proceed beyond exercise 10 for the Professional SQL course, please include optional dependencies
npm install
The ./master.sqlite
file already contains the data we'll be working with, but we'll want to create a copy called ./dev.sqlite
in case we mess up and have to reset to a known good state. To create this working copy, please run
npm run db:setup:sqlite
What does this do?
Ultimately, the command runs this scriptValidate that your SQLite database works by running
sqlite3 dev.sqlite "SELECT count(id) FROM Employee"
#> 9
The ./sql/
script contains the necessary commands for setting up the PostgreSQL schema, and the ./sql/northwind_data.sql
file will fill the database with data. The database setup that includes database creation, running these scripts, and setting appropriate permissions can be run by executing this command
npm run db:setup:pg
What does this do?
Ultimately, the command runs this scriptValidate that your PostgreSQL database works by running
psql northwind -c "SELECT count(id) FROM Employee"
#> count
#> -------
#> 9
#> (1 row)
The ./sql/northwind.mysql.sql
script contains the necessary commands for setting up the MySQL schema, and the ./sql/northwind_data.sql
file will fill the database with data. The database setup that includes database creation, running these scripts, and setting appropriate permissions can be run by executing this command
npm run db:setup:mysql
What does this do?
Ultimately, the command runs this scriptValidate that your MySQL database works by running
mysql -D northwind -e "SELECT count(id) FROM Employee"
#> +-----------+
#> | count(id) |
#> +-----------+
#> | 9 |
#> +-----------+
There's an initial set of tests that ensure the app is correctly setup for the beginning of the course. You should be able to run this command and see them all passing
# Test against SQLite
npm run test --- EX00
# Test against PostgreSQL
DB_TYPE=pg npm run test --- EX00
The app can be built and started up by running
npm run watch
This will shutdown, rebuild and restart the app whenever source files are changed. If you want to start the app so that a debugger may be connected, run
npm run watch:debug
You may run a subset of test suites whotes names match a string by running
npm run test --- <string>
or if you wish for the tests to re-run on code changes
npm run test:watch --- <string>
and if you want to connect a debugger...
npm run test --- EX00 --inspect-brk
Additionally, you can run tests for a particular exercise, and all exercises before it. This is useful when trying to ensure that an exercise can be completed without breaking previous work.
npm run test:ex 4 # run tests up through exercise 4
or, if you want to re-run tests on code changes
npm run test:ex:watch 4
This project is designed to work with three databases: SQLite (default), PostgreSQL and MySQL. The database that's used is determined by the DB_TYPE
environment variable
DB_TYPE value | Database |
pg |
PostgreSQL |
mysql |
anything else | SQLite |
This environment variable can be used when running or testing the app. For example
DB_TYPE=mysql npm run watch # Run the app using MySQL, and rebuild whenever source code changes
DB_TYPE=pg npm run test:ex 9 # Run tests up to and including exercise 9 using PostgreSQL
The following tools are recommended for this course. Depending on which database(s) you choose to use for the course, please download the appropriate tools by following their respective installation instructions.
All Databases
- Visual Studio Code - A fantastic code editor that we'll be using for its static analysis features and a few SQL-specific extensions
- VS Code Extensions
- Better Comments - to hilight urgent comments more prominently
- SQL Tools - to connect to databases and run queries right from within our code editor
- vscode-sql-template-literal - for syntax hilighting of tagged template literals in our JavaScript code.
- TSLint - type-checking and other static analysis on our code
- Sequel Pro (OS X only)
- MySQL Workbench (OS X, Windows, Linux)
- VSCode MySQL Syntax - syntax hilighting for MySQL-specific syntax
- pgAdmin (OS X, Windows, Linux)
- vscode-postgresql - for autocomplete and syntax hilighting of Postgres-specific SQL
- DB Browser for SQLite (OS X, Windows, Linux)
If for some reason, you cannot set up your own local database software, you can deploy this app onto heroku and use their $7/month hosted PostgreSQL service.
Click this button to deploy the app to heroku. Because the database is large (about 700K rows) it cannot be run with their free database option.
Populate the database with data. This can be done one of two ways
Use the Heroku CLI posgtres push utility (recommended)
heroku pg:push northwind DATABASE_URL --app replace-this-with-your-heroku-app-name
Use the psql
command line utility to run the huge PostgreSQL setup script. This will take at least several minutes.
heroku run "psql \$DATABASE_URL?ssl=true < northwind.sql -q" --app sql456
Solutions Branch | Status |
SQL Fundamentals | |
SQL Pro |
While the general license for this project is the BSD 3-clause, the exercises themselves are proprietary and are licensed on a per-individual basis, usually as a result of purchasing a ticket to a public workshop, or being a participant in a private training.
Here are some guidelines for things that are OK and NOT OK, based on our understanding of how these licenses work:
- Using everything in this project other than the exercises (or accompanying tests) to build a project used for your own free or commercial training material
- Copying code from build scripts, configuration files, tests and development harnesses that are not part of the exercises specifically, for your own projects
- As an owner of an individual license, using code from tests, exercises, or exercise solutions for your own non-training-related project.
- Using this project, or any subset of exercises contained within this project to run your own workshops
- Writing a book that uses the code for these exercises
- Recording a screencast that contains one or more of this project's exercises
© 2018 Mike.Works, All Rights Reserved