- John (OLED display)
- Ben (PID loop)
- Zach (Servo movement/control)
- Justin (Button control)
- Mel (Hardware, main control flow)
- Entire directory structure refactored to add some consistency
- Wrote Camera library to control the camera
- Started work on writing main()
- Wrote numerous utility functions as the avr-g++ compiler does not provide any of the C++ standard library headers
- Expanded and updated build system
- Modified build process to enable debugging, and create a target with debugging symbols included.
Servo controls for the most part figured out, still need to fine tune timings with hardwarde, but servos now have the ability to update/calculate their angles
Buttons are finished may need to fine tune the debounce timings as needed, but outputting the correct information
Screen code started, menu logic is still needed.
Hardware debugger has arrived and finishing up final hardware configuration, planning on fine tuning with the hardware the upcomming week
certain moving parts/cases are needing to be printed, planning on doing this Monday 03/12
Update on project status: Due to hardware issues, the project has been reformed... we are now focusing on the firmware (Interfacing the Arduino board with the physical components: Buttons, toggle switch, servo, led display)
The board as of Friday March 2 has been updated and is ready to undergo final testing. We now have a proper debugger for the board and can begin testing soft/hardware to ensure it will work properly.
A PID(Proportion integral derivative) loop has been created to ensure servos will move to the appropriate place
Button/Toggle switches are 90% done, all code is working (abstractly) but delay timings and port/switch numbers will be fine tuned later.
Button debounce(noise reduction) implemented through software, this may need to be fine tuned, but will update as needed
Servo timings have been selected, the prescaler , WGM (Wave Generation Mode) type has been selected
Physical display has minimal work, but as the deadline moves closer and members finish we will have multiple people working on the display
Current goals: Finish rough draft of firmware, test with the board and fine tune timings.
Update although Google protobuf was originally planned as part of the project, as a way to interact with the panobot through a laptop, this has been put on hold while we ensure the firmware works properly. If adequate time is left over we will resume working on laptop/panobot interactions
- Spent most of the week working on hardware, the majority of which is complete
- Protobuff created for servo movement , camera communication
- GUI Template done, without buttons, this will be on hold until command line is more refined (Zach , Ben , Justin, Mel)
- decided on google protobuf syntax/types
- Starting/Stopping
- Movement: Elevation angle, servo angle
- Camera interactions: Focus Shutter We all went through the tutorial for protobuf and made sure it is installed correctly/we are all using the correct documentation.
(Zach, Ben, Justin , Mel, John)