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accessibility ♿
accessibility :wheelchair:
Follow a11y best practices
dependencies 🌳
dependencies :deciduous_tree:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue 💯
good first issue :100:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Up for grabs
high priority 🚨
high priority :rotating_light:
Highest priority
status: blocked 🚫
status: blocked :no_entry_sign:
Something else is blocking this
status: on hold ✋
status: on hold :hand:
Waiting on a decision or review
status: pending 🕥
status: pending :clock1030:
In a waiting state
type: architecture 🏛️
type: architecture :classical_building:
Changes to code architecture
type: bug 🐛
type: bug :bug:
Something isn't working
type: chore 🧹
type: chore :broom:
type: content 💬
type: content :speech_balloon:
Concerning text and literals
type: documentation 📑
type: documentation :bookmark_tabs:
Improvements or additions to documentation
type: enhancement ✨
type: enhancement :sparkles:
New feature or request
type: maintenance 🔧
type: maintenance :wrench:
Fixes to and refactoring codebase
type: needs discussion 🗣️
type: needs discussion :speaking_head:
Further information is needed
type: security 🔒
type: security :lock:
Implement a security patch
type: testing ✅
type: testing :white_check_mark:
Add test specs
type: ui/ux 💄
type: ui/ux :lipstick:
Site styling and appearances