Mutiny with all crashes fixed and FPS drops reduced
alienhook v4 - Free as in freedom CS:GO cheat for GNU/Linux.
Supremacy Counter-Strike: Global Offensive cheat, by Interwebz. Good for learning, everything is commented. Open Source.
Bloat-free CS:GO multihack for Windows, based on Osiris. You should probably give it a go, as it was in development for about 2 years. Formerly a griefing cheat that developed into a semi-rage mult…
acuifex / acuion
Forked from LWSS/FuzionFuzion is a free-as-in-freedom CSGO cheat
A fully-featured training software for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, made for Linux
Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
A simple music player developed on QT GUI C++ and SqLite.
Using Driver Global Injection dll, it can hide DLL modules
Manual mapping without creating any threads, with rw only access
Cross-platform game hack for Counter-Strike 2 with Panorama-based GUI.
LWSS / Fuzion
Forked from AimTuxOfficial/AimTuxFuzion is a free-as-in-freedom CSGO cheat for linux
A background polyphonic music generator for Aduino, using tone frequency interrupts
ummae / pyrocksdb
Forked from stephan-hof/pyrocksdbPython bindings for RocksDB