Bad Apple in compact PHP -
- scripts generate always a single frame of animation
- frame is based on current time, so every 1/15s next frame will be served
- to animate, continuous refreshing is needed, for now, works best in Firefox
- available here, but please don't kill my server:
there are two versions:
- frame is sent as standard output and script ends
- parses video data in each request, works fine with php-fpm
- can be used with webserver or in pure php
- run
php -S localhost:8080
in BadApplePhp directory and openlocalhost:8080/simple.php
- script creates http server by itself
- video data is parsed once, so it has really low requirements
- run
php socket.php
in BadApplePhp directory and openlocalhost:8080/
video data is based on Abaduaber's version: