Go to iTerm2 (in the menu bar) > Settings... > Profiles > Keys (not Preferences... > Keys) On current versions (3.14+) you then switch to the Key Mappings tab Press Presets... dropdown button. Select Natural Text Editing
Edit -> Copy mode
Caps lock is a waste of a key - remap it to something useful Mac->System Setting->Keyboard->Keyboard Shortcuts->Modifier Keys->Change caps lock to control
Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:AI-Safety-Institute/dotfiles.git ~/git/dotfiles
Install dependencies (e.g. oh-my-zsh and related plugins), you can specify options to install specific programs: tmux, zsh, note that your dev-vm will already have tmux and zsh installed so you don't need to provide any options in this case, but you may need to provide these if you are installing locally.
# Install just the dependencies (If already have tmux or zsh)
# Install dependencies + tmux & zsh (if local or on linux without tmux or zsh)
./install.sh --tmux --zsh
Update ./config/gitconfig/gitconfig.personal and gitconfig.work to have your own git username and email
Deploy (e.g. source aliases for .zshrc, apply oh-my-zsh settings etc..)
This set of dotfiles uses the powerlevel10k theme for zsh, this makes your terminal look better and adds lots of useful features, e.g. env indicators, git status etc. This repo comes with a preconfigured powerlevel10k theme in ./config/p10k.zsh
but you can reconfigure this by running p10k configure
which will launch an interactive window.