This is Neovim clipboard provider. It allows to access system clipboard without any
extra tools, such as win32yank
, xclip
, xsel
, pbcopy
, pbpaste
and so on.
Read :h provider-clipboard
for more information on Neovim clipboard integration.
First, fetch the plugin using any plugin manager you like, or simply clone it with git
under your packages directory tree, see :h packages
An example for minpac
- Add to your
call minpac#init()
call minpac#add('matveyt/neoclip', #{type: 'opt'})
"... more plugins to follow
if has('nvim')
packadd! neoclip
- Save the file and reload configuration
:update | source %
- Update the plugin from network repository
:call minpac#update('neoclip')
Next, drop to your shell and compile platform-dependent module from source.
- Compiling
$ cd ~/.config/nvim/pack/minpac/start/neoclip/src
$ # by CMake
$ cmake -B build
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --install build --strip
$ # ..or by Meson
$ meson setup build
$ meson install -C build --strip
- Run Neovim again and see if it's all right
:checkhealth neoclip
There is a formula for Homebrew
in homebrew-neoclip repository.
Please, refer to neoclip-flake repository:
Neoclip should run on Windows, macOS and all the various *nix'es (with X11 and/or
Wayland display server). See :h neoclip-build
to get more information on build
dependencies. See :h neoclip-issues
for a list of known issues.