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Webmention icon in the shape of a W

Webmention for Craft CMS

This plugin provides a Webmention endpoint for Craft CMS and allows for sending Webmentions to other sites.

Table of Contents:


This plugin requires Craft CMS 5.6.10 or later.


You can install this plugin from Craft’s in-app Plugin Store.

Go to the Plugin Store in your project’s Control Panel and search for “Webmention”, then click on the “Install” button in the sidebar.


If you’re updating from Webmention v0.3, follow these instructions as well.

Receiving Webmentions: The Webmention endpoint

In order to receive Webmentions, the Webmention endpoint of your site needs to be discoverable by the server sending the Webmention. So you will need to add the following line in the <head> section of your main layout template:

<link rel="webmention" href="{{ craft.webmention.endpointUrl }}" />

And/or you can set an HTTP Link header by adding this line to your main layout template:

{% header "Link: <" ~ craft.webmention.endpointUrl ~ ">; rel=\"webmention\"" %}

The plugin comes with a „human-friendly“ endpoint that will present a form with input fields for source and target to users visiting your site’s endoint route. The Twig template for the Webmention endpoint will extend your standard template. Run the following CLI command to copy an example webmention endpoint template into your project’s templates/ directory:

php craft webmention/example-template

You can then adjust the template to your needs.

Displaying Webmentions

To output all Webmentions for the current request URL, you can use the following helper in your templates:

{{ craft.webmention.showWebmentions() }}

If you want full control over the HTML output for Webmentions, you can fetch all Webmentions for the current URL:

{% for webmention in craft.webmention.getWebmentions() %}
    <a href="{{ webmention.source }}">{{ webmention.authorName }}</a>:
    {{ webmention.text }}
{% endfor %}

To fetch all Webmentions for an element, you can call getWebmentions() on the element:

{% for webmention in entry.getWebmentions() %}
{% endfor %}

And if you want to fetch only Webmentions of a certain type, like comments, likes, or reposts, you can call getWebmentionsByType() on the element:

{% for webmention in element.getWebmentionsByType('like') %}
{% endfor %}

Display a Webmention form for the current URL

You can output a form in your entry template that lets people directly send you the URL of a response. For this, use this helper:

{{ craft.webmention.webmentionForm() }}

Sending Webmentions

Once installed, your Craft site will automatically send Webmentions to other sites. On every save of a published entry, the plugin scans the complete entry for any occurrences of URLs and then sends Webmentions to the corresponding Webmention endpoints.

Sending Webmentions for certain entry types only

By default, Webmentions are sent for all entry types but you can also restrict this to certain entry types. Please make sure to go to the settings page of the plugin and select for which entry types Webmentions should be sent.

Switching Webmentions on/off for individual entries

There may be times you want to disable the Webmentions sending functionality on a per-entry basis. This can be accomplished by adding a new “Webmention Switch” field to the field layout of an Entry Type.

Screenshot showing the creation of a new field

You are now able to switch Webmention sending on or off for individual entries!

Screenshot of the new field in the control panel

This setting overrides the Entry Type-specific settings from the settings page. So if you, for example, disable Webmentions for an Entry Type, you can still send them for individual entries by installing the magic switch. ;)

Craft Plugin Settings

Webmention settings can be accessed from SettingsWebmention.

Screenshot showing the Webmention plugin settings

You can change the following options:

  • Webmention Endpoint Route (Slug)
    Set the URL slug of your Webmention endpoint. Defaults to webmention, but you can insert anything that makes sense to you.

  • Maximum Length of Webmention Text
    Set the maximum character count for summaries, comments and text excerpts from posts. Default: 420

  • Parse Webmentions
    Toggle if you want the plugin to parse Webmentions.

  • Avatar Location
    The plugin saves user photos (avatars) for incoming Webmentions for better performance and to avoid exploits. You can set the volume and subfolder path where user avatars will be stored.

  • Entry Types
    Lets you select all entry types for which you want to send Webmentions. When new entry types are added, they are set to “send Webmentions” by default.


Receiving Webmentions

When the plugin receives a Webmention, it performs several checks and then parses the source’s HTML with both php-mf2, a generic microformats-2 parser, and Aaron Parecki’s php-comments helper, which returns author info as well as truncated post text for an h-entry. The plugin will try to get all attributes for the data model from the parsed h-entry and also the representative h-card. If no user photo is provided, it will also try to get one from Gravatar as a fallback, using the author’s email from the h-card.

The following attributes are looked up:

  • authorName
  • authorPhoto
  • authorUrl
  • published
  • name
  • text
  • target
  • source
  • hEntryUrl
  • host
  • type
  • properties

Lastly, the Webmention record is saved to the database. Already existing Webmentions (which is determined by a comparison of the source and target of the POST request) are updated in the database.

XSS Protection

To prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, the HTML of the source is purified with HTMLPurifier, which “removes all malicious code with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist”.


You can use Bridgy for receiving Webmentions for posts, comments, reposts, likes, etc. from Mastodon, Bluesky, GitHub, Reddit, Instagram, Flickr, and more. This plugin will understand the Webmention and set the type of the Webmention accordingly. So if someone reposts a social media post with a URL you shared, the Webmention will be of the type repost. To determine the interaction type, the plugin looks at the Bridgy URL format, for more information on the different types of URLs visit the section about source URLs on the Bridgy website.

If you don’t use Bridgy you can easily deactivate the parsing in the plugin settings.

HTTP Responses

The Webmention plugin validates and processes all requests asynchronously via Craft queue jobs. This guarantees that your site remains responsive, even when a larger amount of webmention requests needs to be handled. Because the webmention processing happens asynchronously, the only direct HTTP response sent by the plugin is a confident 202 Accepted status code.


  • Add a more GDPR-friendly “data economy mode” that collects webmentions from Bridgy and other social media sources without saving names and avatars but still allows for showing the amount of likes, reposts, etc.
  • Improve how replies are handled and displayed, for example in a chat-like conversation in response to a post.

Updating from v0.3

To update from Webmention 0.3 on Craft 2, do the following after upgrading Craft CMS:

  1. Follow the installation instructions.

  2. Go to SettingsWebmention and select the volume that avatars are stored in, from the Avatar Location setting.

  3. Run the following CLI command to update your existing webmentions’ avatar relations:

    php craft webmention/update-avatars
  4. Run the following CLI command to update search indexes for existing webmentions:

    php craft resave/webmentions --update-search-index
  5. Update your templates based on the following changes:

    Old New
    webmention.author_name webmention.authorName
    webmention.author_url webmention.authorUrl
    webmention.author_photo webmention.avatar.getUrl()
    webmention.url webmention.hEntryUrl
    craft.webmention.getAllWebmentionsForEntry(craft.request.url) craft.webmention.getWebmentions()
    craft.webmention.showWebmentions(craft.request.url) craft.webmention.showWebmentions()
    craft.webmention.webmentionForm(craft.request.url) craft.webmention.webmentionForm()


If you have any webmentions which contain double-encoded HTML entities, you can update them via the “Update” action in the UI, or with the following command:

php craft webmention/update --webmention-id=123

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who helped setting this up: – Jason Garber (@jgarber) for his webmention client plugin and the kind permission to reuse parts of the code when implementing the sending functionality.

  • Aaron Parecki (@aaronpk) for support and feedback – and also for the great work he does related to Webmention.
  • Bastian Allgeier (@bastianallgeier) for allowing me to get highly inspired by his Kirby Webmentions Plugin
  • Tom Arnold (@webrocker) for relentlessly sending test Webmentions. ;) Also for feedback on Webmention sending settings.
  • Jeremy Keith (@adactio) for the feedback and also for giving the initial spark.
  • Everyone at the IndieWebCamps Düsseldorf and Berlin 2016 and in the IndieWeb Community!
  • Brandon Kelly for basically rewriting the plugin to add support for Craft 5 and a lot more 🔥🎉


Code released under the MIT license.


Matthias Ott
[email protected]

Brandon Kelly
[email protected]