Skip to content is a collection of bare bones shell scripts for simplifying various tasks such as API calls (OpenAI, Stripe, Postmark, etc), video and audio processing, and much more.

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🎥 YouTube: @bareDeveloper
🔖 Website:


  • Overview
  • Install
  • Configuration
  • Getting help
  • Bare terminal
  • Sample usage
  • Bare scripts
  • Contributing

Overview (aka bare) aims to give individuals a simple toolkit for expressing common tasks, such as creating and managing records, interacting with AI assistants, and sending emails.

In the right hands, bare can be a powerful automation tool, particularly with the use of bare scripts (which bash scripts with bare syntax available), making the system highly extensible.


git clone ~/

# optional alias for easy reference
echo 'alias bare="$HOME/"' >> ~/.bashrc


RC file

Bare sets some default global variables and functions and sources $BARE_DIR/home/.barerc to pick up any user overwrites or additions (bare creates this file if it doesn't already exist, setting secure permissions to 600, useful for any user secrets, api keys, etc).

If you'd like to add your own global variables or functions, you can include them in your $BARE_DIR/home/.barerc file, just be sure to export them.

Sample .barerc

# Core variable overwrites




# Custom values (note the exports); all downstream
# bare scripts have access to them now. 👍


function myHelloFunction() {
	echo "Hello $1"

export MY_VAR

Getting help

Some commands have a built-in help system that you can access by typing --?, like so:

🐻 > random --?
(string|alpha|number:-string) ~ |(int:-16)

Let's break that down:

  • random is the command
  • --? is the help flag
  • (string|alpha|number:-string) is an argument item
    • arguments in parentheses "()" are optional
    • arguments in brackets "<>" are required
    • arguments preceded by a pipe "|" can be piped in from stdin
    • values after the colon-dash ":-" are default values
    • argument items separated by a tilde "~" can be in any order

So here, random takes two argument items:

  • First: optional and can be either string, alpha, or number
  • Second: also optional and defaults to 16

You can pipe in an integer from stdin, and if you leave everything blank, arguments will default to string and 16, like so:

🐻 > random

🐻 > echo 5 | random number

🐻 > random 14 alpha

🐻 > random 14 alpha | uppercase

Another example using request:

🐻 > request --?
|<url> (--json <json>|--data <form-data>|--file <file>|--header <header>|--token <token>|--auth <user:pass>|--output <file>)

Here, request requires a URL (as its first argument or piped in), and you can optionally pass in JSON, form data, a file, a header, a token, basic auth, or an output file via the flags.

🐻 > request
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
  "body": "quia et suscipit\nsuscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\nreprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas totam\nnostrum rerum est autem sunt rem eveniet architecto"

🐻 > request --json '{"title": "foo", "body": "bar", "userId": 1}' --header 'Content-type: application/json'
  "title": "foo",
  "body": "bar",
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 101

Bare dependencies

Some third-party tools are required for some functions, mostly classic tools like curl and jq, but sometimes more obscure ones like yt-dlp or recutils. bare will alert you that you don't have these installed, but if you'd like to get a head start, you can install these tools with your favorite package manager (such as apt-get or snap for Ubuntu or brew (homebrew) for Mac).

- curl (version 7.82+)
- jq
- GNU coreutils (if using macOS)
- recutils
- sqlite3
- pandoc
- yq
- xxd
- php
- awk
- perl
- openssl
- magick
- ffmpeg
- qrencode
- yt-dlp
- csvkit
- sqlpage

Bare terminal

There are two ways to use bare:

  1. Inline, calling itself
  2. Interactively, via the bare terminal

./ <options>

./ random string 30

./ -t

./ -t
entering bare terminal. type exit when ready to leave.
🐻 bare > random string 30

Quick samples

For these examples, we're using the bare terminal.

> openai "Hello there, how are you?"
> Hello! How can I assist you today?

> codec url.encode "Hello! How can I assist you today?"
> Hello%21%20How%20can%20I%20assist%20you%20today%3F%0A

> codec form-data.decode 'user=%7B%22first_name%22%3A%22Matthew%22%2C%22last_name%22%3A%22Larkin%22%7D'
> {"first_name":"Matthew","last_name":"Larkin"}

> email --to "[email protected]" --subject "Bare suggestion" --body "Hi there, I have an idea for bare!"
> wwnzz9lw-adf6-447d-b30b-slax67kzuhlo

Bare scripts

With bare, we can create our own custom bare scripts. These scripts are just bash scripts with access to the bare syntax. These scripts can help you automate any number of simple or complex workflows.

To create a bare script, navigate to your $BARE_DIR/home/scripts directory, create a file (no file extension necessary), and then write your bare commands and/or bash commands. No need to make it executablebare will handle this for you.

Here's a sample script called sample in the $BARE_DIR/home/scripts directory. We added a shebang at the front for better syntax highlighting in VS Code, but shebangs here are not necessary either.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "We are using: $(ls | codec lines.index 0)"
random string 30
openai chat "Hi there, I'm using a new toolkit called, have you heard of it?"

You can now run that script from the bare terminal or from an inline ./ call.

bare terminal

🐻 bare > run sample
We are using:
Hello! I haven't heard of a toolkit by the name "" Could you provide more information about it so I can assist you better?

This is a very powerful feature. We'll have more examples on this soon.


Thanks for your interest in contributing to bare! Whether you have coding chops or not, your input is welcome. Here are two easy ways you can contribute:

1. No Code? No Problem!

If you have ideas, suggestions, or you've bumped into an issue, please let us know. Just open a GitHub issue and let us know what's on your mind. Here are some examples:

  • "Hey, I was expecting this behavior, but it's not working."
  • "Hey, I'd love to see this feature."
  • "I found a bug! Here's what happened..."

Please be descriptive, but don't feel like you have to adhere to any specific formality.

2. Got Code? Awesome!

Before you submit a code suggestion or pull request, please review the style guide below.

Style Guide

Use functions where possible

Use functions and avoid putting variables in global scope where possible. If using a function within a function, unset the child function at the tail end of the parent function (essentially making the child a private function).

function demo() {

    local input


    reciteDemo() {
		echo "You entered: $1"

    reciteDemo "$input"

    unset -f reciteDemo

Quoting variables and values

  • don't quote while assigning variables
  • do quote when referencing variables

if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
	echo "$log" >> "$file"

Option culling

We often cull options and their values from argument lists. This helps us deductively reason about remaining arguments and their meaning in the context of a command.

While culling use the args=() && while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] approach outline here:

function demo() {

	local args
	local name
	local email
	local phone
	local notes

	args=() && while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
		case $1 in
			--name|-n) name=$1
			--email|-e) email=$1
			--phone|-p) phone=$1
			*) args+=("$1")
		esac && shift
	done && set -- "${args[@]}"


	echo "Name: $name, Email: $email, Phone: $phone along with the notes: $notes"


About is a collection of bare bones shell scripts for simplifying various tasks such as API calls (OpenAI, Stripe, Postmark, etc), video and audio processing, and much more.







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