I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Form Health. In the past, I've worked as a Front-end Web Developer, a Mobile Developer, a DX Engineer (at Cypress.io), a technical reviewer (React Native Cookbook), and an expert witness (which was cool, but I can't talk about it 😄).
I'm a firm believer of "to teach is to learn twice." That's why I love public speaking and talking about JavaScript, the Web, and interesting solutions to programming problems. I've given talks at both local meetups and conferences like Nodevember and ReactBoston. Feel free to check out some of my talks.
- 💬 Ask me about React Native, React, TypeScript, or my cat (Arya)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Go and Python
- 📫 How to reach me: Send me a message on Twitter or LinkedIn
Tech I love: