This project is a simulation of a blockchain. You can list the chain, get a specific block in the chain and create a transaction to add to the chain. Follow the steps below to try it out.
To start the server:
npm run node-1
To start the frontend, go into the "cli" folder and run "npm run dev" in the terminal.
Don't forget to run "npm i" in both the cli folder and the nodechain folder.
Endpoint to view the blockchain:
Endpoint to add data to pendingList (record):
for example with the format:
{ "sender": "Martin Sjöborg", "recipient": "Donald Duck", "amount": "1000" }
To transfer the block from pendinglist to the blockchain, go to:
http://localhost:3001/api/v1/blockchain/mine-block, (GET)
Now try again to get the full blockchain.