AXA Winterthur at hackzurich 2016 - topic: "Insurance as Simple as a Game" aka "Clash of Claims" ...
- hackzurich2016-axa
- Table of Contents
- AXA Winterthur - API installation and configuration
#AXA Winterthur - API installation and configuration
Our services are deployed on Microsoft AZURE cloud at Use the swagger documentation and the REST Endpoint to send requests
we do not have any security installed, no authentication needed. And our endpoints are supporting HTTP and HTTPS. The only restriction is a maximum limit of 25 entries per search or GET requests. Most of the services are using ranges with skip + limit
Our provided APIs are implemented with nodejs and using mongodb. With this repo you are able to install the whole REST APIs and database locally.
Please clone our repository to be able to do this.
git clone
- you need nodejs + npm installed (npm min '2.9.1')
- install nodejs + npm using standard documentation online
git clone
cd hackzurich2016-axa/rest-app
npm install
npm start (npm will start webserver on port 3000)
- open a browser with http://localhost:3000/
- now you should see the swagger frontend
- try to run the GET /customer, with default parameters and use "try again"
- the database is still connected to our mongodb in the cloud (with read only access)
important to know
- node_modules directory is automatically created but it is a part of the .gitignore
- data directory for mongodb is also part of .gitignore
install your mongodb locally on your local machine via mongodb website or use apt-get to download any linux packages. Read mongodb download support material how to install on your infrastructure.
every mongdb needs a "data" directory. Out "data" directory for mongodb is already a part of .gitignore.
We have import files that can be adapted or extended if needed or just launched to import / reset our hackzurich2016-axa instance.
cd rest-app
mkdir data
cd data
mongod --dbpath `pwd` --port 27018
//port 27018 just to not mess up with any other default 27017 mongodb port
//our database we are connecting to is named "hackzurich2016-axa"
start another command line / bash to import
cd rawdata
./ any-javascript.js
Use the generic "" to call any mongodb javascript file to be executed. Adapt the if needed to import into your local database. "" script shall only be used to import into our SaaS mongodb on azure - password needed)
Test connection first using local database:
$ ./ test.js
MongoDB shell version: ?.?.?
connecting to: localhost:27018/hackzurich2016-axa
count of customers = 10000
Run following script to delete and import all data again - reset
$ ./ import.js
MongoDB shell version: ?.?.?
connecting to: localhost:27018/hackzurich2016-axa
start collection customers dropping and importing ...
done. imported 10000 objects
start collection profiles dropping and importing ...
done. imported 10000 objects
start collection trips dropping and importing ...
done. imported 7 objects
start collection transactions dropping and importing ...
done. imported 1100 objects
start collection trucks dropping and importing ...
done. imported 388 objects
start collection cars dropping and importing ...
done. imported 1789 objects
start collection insuranceTypes dropping and importing ...
done. imported 22 objects
start collection categories dropping and importing ...
done. imported 23 objects
start collection risks dropping and importing ...
done. imported 21 objects
start collection contacts dropping and importing ...
done. imported 371 objects
start collection favorites dropping and importing ...
done. imported 3 objects
use following script files to execute
$ ./ import.js import all
$ ./ import-customer.js import customers only
$ ./ import-profile.js import profiles only
$ ./ import-favorite.js import favorites only
$ ./ import-no-large.js import all except large sets
$ ./ drop.js drop all collections
$ ./ count.js list all counts from any used collection
$ ./ test.js use to test connection with database
edit the rest-app/app.js file and modify
// uncomment for localhost database
var dbURL = 'localhost:27018/hackzurich2016-axa';
##Development support some features had been developed here to support further locale development or support of hackzurich.
- editing swagger.yaml files for API using local Swagger Editor
- copying automatically swagger.* files to your local distribution to update express
- node monitor to reload automatically if files have been updated
- node debugging tools using Visual Studio Code
- nodejs swagger schema definition generator tool
git repo contains a full instance of the swagger editor "swagger-editor". It is a full nodejs compliant webapplication. If you are lazy you can use Swagger Editor online to edit your swagger files
cd swagger-editor
npm start
- your default browser will be automatically opened
- startup time takes a while
- running on http://localhost:8080/#/
working with localhost or swagger online, the following functions are helping you deploying your swagger.yaml into our hackzurich git repo
- use "File / Import File ..." to load our swagger.yaml from hackzurich2016-axa/rest-app/dist folder
The swagger editor does not allow inplace editing of files because it is running as standalone webserver
- normally files are downloaded into "$HOME/Download" folder
- run the script in hackzurich2016-axa/rest-app/dist folder. This will copy downloaded files into the distribution
$ cd rest-app/dist
$ ./
Listening to changes every 1s in _____/Downloads/swagger.* to move to _____/git/hackzurich2016-axa/rest-app/dist
Sun Aug 14 21:07:41 CEST 2016 - copy swagger.json file to git
Sun Aug 14 21:07:41 CEST 2016 - copy swagger.local.json file to git for localhost
Sun Aug 14 21:07:41 CEST 2016 - copy swagger.yaml file to git
Sun Aug 14 21:07:41 CEST 2016 - copy swagger.local.yaml file to git for localhost
To support a fast edit, compile, test cycle we are using nodemon. Please install it as described and start instead of "npm start"
$ sudo npm install -g nodemon
$ nodemon -e js,json --watch . --watch routes --exec npm start
watch on all changes in file extensions js, json
watch on all changes in directory . & 'routes'
restart via command npm start
interesting to know:
- watch out for compilation errors due to restart!!!!
- from time to time the npm engine is not restarted and node monitor is stucked. Just use "Ctrl-C" several times to stop the npm monitor and start it again.
Debugging using "console.log(...)" is very dirty and timeconsuming. Live debugging and stepping into code in real time lets you find bugs much faster. I am using Visual Studio Code from Microsoft to edit node applications.
To support debugging within Visual Studio we are using Debugger for Chrome. Install it via the IDE at "Extensions" and configure your launcher. See our 'launch.json' settings file in '.vscode' folder (if needed)
- start command "Attach to Process" via the "Debugging" tools to support automatic reloads of ressources with npm
- use "node ./bin/www" process to be attached to
- manage breakpoints within Visual Studio Code
- use manual breakpoints to halt
- use [x] "uncaught exceptions" to halt the code :-)
- use [x] "throwing any exception" to halt too
This tools can be used if you have an example JSON result structure to be able to generate a YAML schema definition based on the JSON structure. the JSON structure can be complex, can contain Arrays, object structures and native types (string, float, integer)
The generated YAML schema definition can be copied into swagger-editor or YAML definition files. The following schema definitions will be created:
- "name"ResultList
- "name"s (multiple form)
- "name" (single form)
cd rawdata/_schema-generator
node run-generator.js > out.yaml
adapt the run-generator.js to run against your own sample.js (here example with risk)
$ vi run-generator.js
var g = require("./generator");
var s = require("./sample-risk");
g.generator().swagger("Risk", "Risks", s.sample_profiles().object());
generate you own sample.js file with the structure
exports.sample_<name> = function () {
return {
object: function () {
return this.jsonObject;
// insert your structure here
_id: "57ac4099402f9292dc3d0820",
value: "Accident",
lineOfBusiness: "Health"
// end your structure
This will produc the following YAML output
description: result of Risk search used for paging
type: object
$ref: '#/definitions/Risks'
$ref: '#/definitions/Link'
type: array
$ref: '#/definitions/Risk'
description: tbd
type: object
description: tbd
type: string
description: tbd
type: string
description: tbd
type: number
format: integer
description: tbd
type: number
format: float
description: tbd
type: string
description: tbd
type: string
interesting addional links