After 7 months of refactoring for better performance and easier overrides, we finally released the new major version of react-admin 🎉.
Thanks to all the contributors who made that possible!
Here are some highlights ✨:
- Upgrade to material-ui 1.0, react-router 4, React 16.3
- Use CSS-in-JS (JSS) for styling
- Undo button for edits and deletes
- Bulk actions
- Render props
- GraphQL as a first class citizen
- Embedded arrays
- Improved permissions handling
- Side effect support in custom actions
- Easier custom inputs
- Easier dependent inputs
- Asynchronous i18n
- Extra props passed transparently
- More implementation examples
For more details, read the release announcement blog post on the marmelab blog and the 2.0.0 milestone.
There are many more features in 2.0, as well as all bug fixes from 1.x.
This new release is not backwards compatible with 1.x. Please refer to the Upgrade guide for directions on upgrading your code.