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demoinfocs-golang - CS2 Demo Parser

A blazing fast, feature complete and production ready Go library for parsing and analysing of Counter-Strike 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) demos (aka replays). reference Build Status codecov Go Report License FOSSA Status Snyk Scan

Discussions / Chat

You can use Discord or GitHub Discussions to ask questions and discuss ideas about this project.
For business inquiries please use the contact information found on the GitHub profile.

Discord Chat

Go Get

Counter-Strike 2

go get -u


go get -u

Table of Contents


This library requires at least go 1.20 to run. You can download the latest version of Go here.

Quickstart Guide

  1. Download and install the latest version of Go from or via your favourite package manager

  2. Create a new Go Modules project

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
go mod init my-project
go get -u
  1. Create a main.go file with the example below

  2. Run go run main.go


This is a simple example on how to handle game events using this library. It prints all kills in a given demo (killer, weapon, victim, was it a wallbang/headshot?) by registering a handler for events.Kill.

Check out the godoc of the events package for some information about the other available events and their purpose.

package main

import (

	dem ""
	events ""

func main() {
	f, err := os.Open("/path/to/demo.dem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Panic("failed to open demo file: ", err)
	defer f.Close()

	p := dem.NewParser(f)
	defer p.Close()

	// Register handler on kill events
	p.RegisterEventHandler(func(e events.Kill) {
		var hs string
		if e.IsHeadshot {
			hs = " (HS)"
		var wallBang string
		if e.PenetratedObjects > 0 {
			wallBang = " (WB)"
		fmt.Printf("%s <%v%s%s> %s\n", e.Killer, e.Weapon, hs, wallBang, e.Victim)

	// Parse to end
	err = p.ParseToEnd()
	if err != nil {
		log.Panic("failed to parse demo: ", err)

Sample Output

Running the code above will print something like this:

xms <AK-47 (HS)> crisby
tiziaN <USP-S (HS)> Ex6TenZ
tiziaN <USP-S> mistou
tiziaN <USP-S (HS)> ALEX
xms <Glock-18 (HS)> tiziaN
keev <AWP (HS) (WB)> to1nou

More Examples

Check out the examples folder for more examples, like how to generate heatmaps like this one:

sample heatmap


The full API documentation is available here on


  • Game events (kills, shots, round starts/ends, footsteps etc.) - docs / example
  • Tracking of game-state (players, teams, grenades, ConVars etc.) - docs
  • Grenade projectiles / trajectories - docs / example
  • Access to entities, server-classes & data-tables - docs / example
  • Access to all net-messages - docs / example
  • Chat & console messages 1 - docs / example
  • Matchmaking ranks (official MM demos only) - docs
  • Full POV demo support
  • Support for encrypted net-messages (if the decryption key is provided)
  • JavaScript (browser / Node.js) support via WebAssembly - example
  • Easy debugging via build-flags
  • Built with performance & concurrency in mind
  1. In MM demos the chat is encrypted, so ParserConfig.NetMessageDecryptionKey needs to be set - see also MatchInfoDecryptionKey().

Performance / Benchmarks

Two of the top priorities of this parser are performance and concurrency.

Here are some benchmark results from a system with an Intel i7 6700k CPU and a SSD disk running Windows 10 and a demo with 85'000 frames.


Benchmark Description Average Duration Speed
BenchmarkConcurrent Read and parse 8 demos concurrently 2.06 s (per 8 demos) ~ 1 h 25 min of gameplay per second
BenchmarkDemoInfoCs Read demo from drive and parse 0.89 s ~ 25 min of gameplay per second
BenchmarkInMemory Read demo from memory and parse 0.88 s ~ 25 min of gameplay per second

Raw Output

$ go test -run _NONE_ -bench . -benchtime 30s -benchmem -concurrentdemos 8
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkDemoInfoCs-8             50     894500010 ns/op    257610127 B/op    914355 allocs/op
BenchmarkInMemory-8               50     876279984 ns/op    257457271 B/op    914143 allocs/op
BenchmarkConcurrent-8             20    2058303680 ns/op    2059386582 B/op  7313145 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkConcurrent-8
    demoinfocs_test.go:315: Running concurrency benchmark with 8 demos
    demoinfocs_test.go:315: Running concurrency benchmark with 8 demos
ok  134.244s


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository. There is one caveat however: Beta features - which are marked as such via comments and in release notes - may change in minor releases.

Services, Projects & Companies Using demoinfocs-golang

  • - A suite of explorative tools to help you analyze and improve your CS2 performance
  • - An alternative Matchmaking service that aims to provide a friendly environment free from trolls and misbehaving individuals
  • - Premier eSports tournaments and circuits for massive audiences
  • - Leading Counter-Strike site featuring news, demos, pictures, statistics, on-site coverage and more
  • - The world's premier CS2 training tool
  • - Building ML/AI tools for professional esports players
  • - Analytical and advisory service for advanced CS2 players
  • - An automated coach to help you get better at CS2
  • - Professional CS2 demo replayer and analysis tool
  • awpy - A wrapper for the Golang parser in Python

CS:GO projects (may no longer work with CS2)

If your project is using this library feel free to submit a PR or send a message via Discord to be included in the list.

Useful Tools & Libraries

  • csgo-centrifuge - Get historic radar overview images to make 2D replays & heatmaps accurate on all map versions
  • head-position-model - Approximate the player's head position (rather than just the camera position)



You can use the build tag debugdemoinfocs to print out debugging information - such as game events or unhandled demo-messages - during the parsing process.


go run -tags debugdemoinfocs examples/print-events/print_events.go -demo example.dem

Side-note: The tag isn't called debug to avoid naming conflicts with other libs (and underscores in tags don't work, apparently).

To change the default debugging behavior, Go's ldflags parameter can be used. Example for additionally printing out all server-classes with their properties: -ldflags="-X ''".


go run -tags debugdemoinfocs -ldflags="-X ''" examples/print-events/print_events.go -demo example.dem

Check out debug_on.go for any other settings that can be changed.


Unit Tests

For any new features, Test Driven Development should be practiced where possible. However, due to some design flaws in some parts of the code it's currently not always practical to do so.

Running unit tests:

# or (identical)
go test -short ./...

Regression Tests

For the full regression suite you will need to download the test demo-set.


  • Git LFS must be installed
  • 7z must be in your PATH environment variable (p7zip or p7zip-full package on most Linux distros)

Downloading demos + running regression tests:


Updating the default.golden File

The file test/default.golden file contains a serialized output of all expected game events in test/cs-demos/default.dem.

If there is a change to game events (new fields etc.) it is necessary to update this file so the regression tests pass. To update it you can run the following command:

go test -run TestDemoInfoCs -update

Please don't update the .golden file if you are not sure it's required. Maybe the failing CI is just pointing out a regression.

Generating Interfaces

We generate interfaces such as GameState from structs to make it easier to keep docs in synch over structs and interfaces. For this we use @vburenin's ifacemaker tool.

You can download the latest version here. After adding it to your PATH you can use scripts/ to update interfaces.

Generating Protobuf Code

Should you need to re-generate the protobuf generated code in the msg package, you will need the following tools:

go install

Make sure both are inside your PATH variable.

After installing these use go generate ./msg to generate the protobuf code. If you're on Windows you'll need to run go generate from CMD, not Bash.

Git Hooks

To install some (optional, but quite handy) pre-commit and pre-push hooks, you can run the following script.




  • run regression tests


This library was originally based on Valve's demoinfogo and SatsHelix's demoinfo.

For Counter-Strike 2, dotabuff/manta was an amazing resource for how to parse Source 2 demos and CS2 support would not have been possible without it.
I would also like to specifically thank @akiver & @LaihoE for their brilliant help with CS2.

And a very special thanks goes out to all the ⭐contributors⭐️, be it in the form of PRs, issues or anything else.

Further shoutouts go to:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

FOSSA Status