A simple scraper to scrap data about the top 100 most popular books in recent months on the Polish site lubimyczytac.pl (https://lubimyczytac.pl/top100). Codes for both Selenium and Scrapy.
Codes for Scrapy are located in the scrapy_project folder and for Selenium in selenium_scraper.
Guide for running Scrapy scraper:
To run scrapy scraper you need enter a command line and create a scrapy project with the following command:
scrapy startproject myproject [project_dir]
in a directory of your choice.
Then go to the specified directory with a command:
cd project_dir
Please download the project_scrapy.py file and place it in the folder "spiders" inside the directory from the previous step. There is only a single spider to extract all the information about top 100 books for all the available monhts from the lubimyczytac.pl site. Spiders name is "scrapy_books"
Run the spider with a command
scrapy crawl scrapy_books
If you want to store the results in a .csv file you can add -o file_name.csv:
scrapy crawl scrapy_books -o books.csv
A sample output can be found in the books.csv file.