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EmailReporting v0.10.1

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@SL-Gundam SL-Gundam released this 28 May 16:46
· 125 commits to master since this release

This release fixes several issues. The most important changes are

  • MantisBT dropped print_bracket_link in MantisBT 2.11. This required us to change some code so that the "Test" and "Complete test" functionality keeps working properly
  • MantisBT 2.12 retired needed functions for realname validation. The validation had been removed from EmailReporting

Please report any bugs that are found here: within the project "Plugin - EmailReporting" or here

Please extract the attached archive within the /mantisbt/plugins/ folder


- Added error if, on installation, 'api/soap/mc_file_api.php' is missing
- Updated english and spanish language files
- STARTTLS encryption only shown when available
- Fix issue with bugnote not triggering reassign (#23708 & #23712)
- Process default custom field values
- Fix PHP 7.2 deprecated function in PEAR MimeDecode package
- Replace print_bracket_link (dropped from MantisBT 2.11)
- Limit the length of the summary (kallelix)
- Update HTTP permissions on the EmailReporting scripts folder
- Use mbstring functions where applicable
- Correct help link for MantisBT doku wiki EmailReporting page
- Removed realname validation (MantisBT 2.12 retired needed functions)
- Fixed issue with URL fix incase of symlinked paths